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Art House Asshole : Aaaaaaaah!

You know how when you’re wanting to go to the movie theater and you look up all the films that are showing and there are alway at least three that you’ve never heard of, let alone have any interest in seeing? Well, good news! I’ve seen those movies. I spend most of my theater experiences in art house theaters watching those movies that you’ve never heard of and then never watch. Yeah, I’m that hipster asshole. My goal with this is to spread information out about these films, that way you can decide one of the following. “That actually sounds pretty cool! I want to see that now!” or “Man, I’m glad I decided to go see the new superhero movie!”. So without further ado, here is my article and review of Aaaaaaaah!

I’m pretty sure I haven’t reviewed an experimental film on here yet. But that record is out the window! Sorry, films with a narrative plot structure and character development! Y’all are going to have to take a back seat to this stupid ass film! Eat your heart out David Fincher! Take a breather Charlie Kaufman! There is a new director in town! And his name is Steve Oram! Now lets mercilessly tear this film apart.

There have been a lot of films in the past couple years that take an interesting concept and run with it. Most of the time, they run too far. A couple examples of this are The Love Witch, Shangri-la Suite, and Victoria. Every time I read the description of the film or watch the trailer for the film and think “Wow! That sounds interesting!” And then I see the film and realize that those films are exactly that. They are great concepts. That doesn’t mean they succeed at pulling these concepts into completion.

Aaaaaaaah! is about the fact that we are all animals deep down. Asking the question of are we truly more evolved than the rest of the animal species. The answer is yes. Obviously. Evidence that we are the only species that have created a movie about if we are truly more evolved than other species.

The film is just under 80 minutes, which is the perfect time length for something like this. It is still feature length while also not being too long. Whereas something like The Love Witch over stays its welcome at almost two hours long, this doesn’t get too long, except in at minute seven. That doesn’t make sense. Well here is the thing, this film is a slice of life for a world where we never evolved to talk. We only talk in grunts. There is no dialogue in the film, just a bunch of people talking like animals and going about their daily lives.

In the first five minutes of the film I was thinking “Oh, I get it”. Then at the sixth minute, I was like “Yeah. I get it, let’s move on”. Then I completely lost my mind. I don’t know if it was the film or if it was the fact that I watched this film at three in the morning. But once I got used to what this movie was doing, I immediately couldn’t stop laughing. In a good way. Not in a bad White Girl way. This film is a comedy and my god is it hilarious. I lost my mind along with the film and it was one of the biggest laughs I’ve had with a film in a while. Should I have laughed that hard? Probably not. Any sane person would have turned the film off.

But I didn’t.

I’m insanely not smart. Which is why I sat through the entire thing and had an amazing time. Will you have a good time? No. You probably won’t. Unless you are extremely tired, on drugs, or are just into weird things.

I don’t have much else to say about this film. It clearly didn’t have a lot of funding for it. It shouldn’t have much more than it got. And you can see that. I have explained what this film is exactly. Normally this is something that would normally be called “pretentious”, but in execution, this is far too stupid to be called pretentious.

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