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The Scream Factory Crypt Part 11: Black Christmas

Welcome to the Scream Factory Crypt! In this binge series I will be watching all my Scream Factory titles I own alphabetically! Scream Factory is my favorite imprint of Blu-Ray’s because they take movies that studios and the public might not adore but have fans and deserve to be given respect. This will take a long time as I have over 120(!) titles and counting, I know I will have more before I finish, so stay tuned!  Not only will I talk about them on the podcast but I will review them here as well so you can see how I feel about aspects of each release. Part 11 is the slasher classic Black Christmas!

One of the first truly slasher films, Black Christmas set a lot of the classic tropes we know now. It also has one of the greatest reveals in horror movie history.

A mad man is terrorizing the ladies of Pi Kappa Sigma. The police are befuddled and on the search for the killer. Through a series of fright filled phone calls the psychopath instills fear into the ladies. And as a couple of them go missing, the ladies and the police grow more and more scared. The film barrels toward a shocking and tense filled ending that will leave you speechless, making the 98 minutes fly by.

Truth be told there are only a few true slasher kills. However with clever POV shots and expert directing by Bob Clark sell the low budget thrills effectively. It’s hard to quantify the impact Black Christmas is still having on horror films some 40 years after its release, so it is great that Scream Factory gave it the Collector’s Edition it rightfully deserves.

The video transfer on this edition is quite remarkable. It features a new 2K scan and the 40 year old, low budget horror film sparkles. I love when older films retain their natural look, with grain and cool looking colors. Scream Factory as done a marvelous job capturing the spirit of the film, while also making it look better than ever before.

The film also sounds great. No noise popping and crystal clear dialogue throughout. Again, this film has never sounded better.

The 2 Disc Collector’s Edition of Black Christmas comes packed with vintage features as well as a new interview with actor Art Hindle, and Victims and Virgins: Remembering Black Christmas with Lynne Griffin. There is so much packed onto the discs it will take you a long time to get through them all. No joke I lost count at over 5 ½ hours of features. This relasese has all the bases covered for Black Christmas fans.

This is such a stellar release by Scream Factory. The movie is fun, looks and sounds great too. Black Christmas is one of Scream Factory’s best efforts and you would be doing yourself a disservice if you did not snag a copy.

Film: A

Video: A

Audio: A-

Extras: A+

Overall: A


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