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Top Blu-Rays of 2019: Number 4 It’s a Wonderful Life 4K

It’s a new year and 2019 has come to a close. I always like to reflect on my favorite physical releases of year. Consumers seem to be moving more and more to streaming services with the launch this holiday season of Disney Plus being the latest. However, 2019 was also a banner year for physical media as well. Several companies really stepped up their game with incredible packaging, extras and in some cases sparkling new transfers of classic films. I will always make the case of physically owning a copy of a movie because it is permanently in your collection, it won’t be dropped or eventually removed from your shelf.

Being that it is 2019, I decided to list my favorite 19 releases of the year. So sit back relax and let’s watch some movies!

5. It’s A Wonderful Life 4K

George Bailey (James Stewart) is a frustrated with his life. He has spent it in the sleepy town of Bedford Falls and longs to leave. On Christmas Eve he learns his Uncle Billy loses $8,000 that was supposed to be deposited into the bank. Distraught on what will happen to him and his family once the evil millionaire, Mr. Potter takes over his company, George contemplates suicide and how life would be without him.

As George sits on a bridge he is visited by an angel Clarence (Henry Travers), who is trying to earn his wings. Clarence shows George just what life would be like without him in it.

What can be said about It’s a Wonderful Life that hasn’t been said already. It’s the most classic Christmas movie ever. Stewart is mesmerizing as the tortured but loved George Bailey. Henry Travers is funny and sympathetic. Frank Capra uses his steady hand and delivers a heartfelt and heartwarming film. And I can’t forget about the lovely Donna Reed who is the moral compass of the film, as we all hope we find someone who loves is for who we are.

It’s a Wonderful Life makes a heavenly debut on UHD. Words and descriptions can not due this transfer justice. It is absolutely breathtaking. The film shot released in 1946 looks like it was shot yesterday. Right of the bat when young George Bailey enters in the pharmacy everything is as clear as crystal. I noticed right away the names on the bottles and the overall brightness that has been enhanced delivering one hell of an experience. If you have seen It’s a Wonderful Life many times like I have, watching it in stunning 4K is like watching it again for the first time.

Angels sing on the upgrade to UHD. Dialogue has never sounded better. The music is instantly more clear. Hissing and scratches are non-existent. An absolute marvel of a track that is nearly 75 years old.

On the extras side it’s a little light and Paramount skips the making of It’s a Wonderful Life that was included on its initial blu-ray release. You do get three new features however, with the most fascinating one being, Restoring a Beloved Classic. This almost 15 minute feature explains the pain and the love that went into preserving and enhancing this classic film. Also included is Secrets From the Vault, which looks at the film and Frank Capra’s departure from Columbia and founding his own company, Liberty Films. The last new feature is some footage from It’s a Wonderful Life’s Wrap Party. And if you care (I don’t) there is a second disc that houses the colorized version of the film.

It’s a Wonderful Life gets an angelic upgrade to UHD. This is a must own for any movie fan.

Film: A+

Video: A+

Audio: A

Extras: B+

Overall: A

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