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Top Blu-Rays of 2021: Ryan’s Favorite 21 Blu-Rays-Number 9 Alfred Hitchcock Best Buy Exclusive 4K Steelbooks

9. Rear Window/The Birds/Vertigo

Best Buy released some of Alfred Hitchcock’s finest films with stunning steelbooks that match the stunning 4K transfers of the films.

Rear Window

Based on the 1942 short story “It Had to Be Murder”, Rear Window is Hitchcock at his absolute best.

L.B. “Jeff” Jefferies (James Stewart) is a photographer who is wheelchair bound due to a broken leg. In the sweltering heat of the summer, Jeff spies on his neighbors through his apartment’s rear window. Jeff is visited frequently by his girlfriend Lisa Fremont (Grace Kelly) and his nurse Stella (Thelma Ritter). One night Jeff gets into an argument with Lisa and while alone Jeff hears a woman scream “Don’t!” Jeff is convinced that his neighbor Lars Thorwald (Raymond Burr) has murdered his wife and will go to great lengths to prove it.

Rear Window is thrilling, suspenseful and wonderfully acted. The direction by Hitchcock is first rate slowly building the suspense to a crescendo. Rear Window is so well done and well known that is constantly parodied (the best is The Simpsons episode “Bart of Darkness”). Although most people might know the story without even seeing the film, this is an absolute must watch.

Grade: A+

The Birds

After meeting Mitch Brenner (Rod Taylor) at a pet store, Melanie Daniels (Tippi Hedren) follows him from San Francisco to Bodega Bay, with a couple of love birds in tow. While there, birds randomly start attacking and killing people.

The Birds is sorta of a monster movie, but what makes it scary is the birds attack seemingly for no reason, making their attacks all that more terrifying. Well crafted and some truly scary moments The Birds is iconic for a reason.

Grade: A


A former police detective, John “Scottie” Ferguson (James Stewart) was forced to retire due an incident that caused him to have acrophobia and vertigo. Scottie is hired by a friend, Gavin Elster (Tom Helmore) to follow his wife, Madeline (Kim Novak) who he believes is acting strangely.

A suspenseful, twisty, film with some great chases, Vertigo is a shining example of how great Hitchcock is at not only suspense but misdirection. James Stewart and Kim Novak shine, what else can be said about one of the greatest films of all time, except if you haven’t seen it, stop reading this and watch it now.

Grade: A+

Rear Window/The Birds/Vertigo Video Quality

Hitchcock’s films are some of the best upgrades one can get on UHD. Hitch himself had such an eye for detail and shadows that his films feel like they were made for the format. Maybe the only downside to these impressive transfers is all the optic shots in The Birds showcases the limits of that particular effect. I will forgive that when all the colors, shadows and textures look beautiful.

Rear Window Grade: A+ /The Birds: A/ Vertigo A+

Rear Window/The Birds/Vertigo Audio Quality

In an unusual move, only Vertigo was given a new DTS: X Master Audio upgrade. The Birds and Rear Window have their previous blu-ray audio mix of DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0, but they are no slouch and sound crystal clear.

Rear Window: B+/The Birds: B+/ Vertigo A

Rear Window/The Birds/Vertigo Bonus Features

All three films steelbooks are attractive suit each film well. Rear Window is a little busy but it still looks fine. My favorite is Vertigo. The orange makes it standout and its simple design makes it a must own.

Each film comes packed with bonus features that are on a separate disc.

Rear Window

Rear Window Ethics: An Original Documentary

A Conversation with Screenwriter John Michael Hayes

Pure Cinema: Through the Eyes of the Master

Breaking Barriers: The Sound of Hitchcock

Hitchcock/Truffaut Interview Excerpts

Masters of Cinema

Feature Commentary with John Falwell, Author of Hitchcock’s Rear Window: The Well-Made Film

Production Photographs, Trailer and Re-Release Trailer

Grade: A

The Birds

The Original Ending

The Birds: Hitchcock’s Monster Movie

Deleted Scene

All About “The Birds”

Tippi Hedren’s Screen Test

Hitchcock/Truffaut Interview Excerpts


100 Years of Universal: Restoring the Classics and The Lot

The Birds is Coming!

Suspense Story: National Press Club Hears Hitchcock

Production Photos and Theatrical Trailer

Grade: A


Obsessed with Vertigo: New Life for Hitchcock’s Masterpiece

Partners in Crime: Hitchcock’s Collaborators

Hitchcock/Truffaut Interview Excerpts

Foreign Censorship Ending

The Vertigo Archives

Restoration Theatrical Trailer

Feature Commentary with Film Director William Friedkin

100 Years of Universal: The Lew Wasserman Era

Grade: B+

These three films are easy upgrades The sharp looking steelbooks are the way to go for collectors. Hopefully you will be able to find them at your local Best Buy and if you see them in the wild, snatch them up!

Overall for All Three Films: A

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