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Top Blu-Rays of 2021: Ryan’s 21 Favorite Blu-Rays of 2021-Number 2 The Cartoon Saloon’s Irish Folklore Trilogy

Hands down the best looking release of 2021, Cartoon Saloon’s Irish Folklore Trilogy, is a sight to behold physically and the films themselves. Each film is stunningly animated, with wonderful storytelling.

The Secret of Kells

In an effort to keep the Vikings out, Abbot Cellach (Brendon Gleason) has ordered the constructive of a giant wall to protect the Abbey of Kells. When the young and adventurous Brendan (Evan McGuire) wants to know what’s beyond the wall. He gets his chance when Brother Aiden (Mick Lally) arrives to write a book called The Book of Iona. Brendan leaves to the forest to collect berries for ink. While out in the woods he meets a fairy named Aisling (Christen Mooney). The threat of the Vikings is a constant threat looming in the film, and one that Brendan and the Abbey of Kells must prepare for.

Grade: A+

Song of the Sea

Ben (David Rawls) is a young boy who watched his mother, Bronagh (Lisa Hannigan) disappear. Now years later he dislikes being a big brother to his sister Saoirse (Lucy O’Connell) and would rather spend time with his dog and his imagination. When Saoirse finds a seashell flute and plays it, a new realm of fairies awakens. It also awakens evil owls too, which the children must fend off and fulfill a quest and Saoirse’s destiny.

Grade: A+


Pledging his loyalty to Lord Protector (Simon McBurney), Bill Goodfellowe (Sean Bean) aims to rid Ireland of wolves. But what Bill doesn’t count on is his young daughter and apprentice, Robyn (Honor Kneafsey) befriends a Mebh (Eva Whittaker), a young woman who transforms into a wolf as she sleeps. Mebh is alone after her mother Moli (Maria Doyle Kennedy) never returned one night. As the danger of the hunt increases, can the two girls survive the hunt not only from Lord Protector but Robyn’s own father?

Grade: A+

All three films are magical examples of the power of storytelling coupled with stunning animation. I love how great animation looks in 3D. What the artists at Pixar are able to do is nothing short of outstanding. I however will always love hand-drawn animation the most, and I miss it terribly. The Cartoon Saloon fills that void by not only delivering 2D, hand drawn animation but they do it so well.

Cartoon Saloon’s Irish Folklore Trilogy Video Quality

The incredible worlds of these films is brought to life to outstanding video transfers, highlighting the colors, the textures of each film. And while each film is made by the same studio, they all have distinct looks to them. The characters look familiar in each film but each film has distinct color hues and settings. Bold and Beautiful.

Grade: A+

Cartoon Saloon’s Irish Folklore Trilogy Audio Quality

Wow. Everything is top notch in the sound department. From the music, to the vocal performances, it all comes through clearly and properly. Each film is supported by a 5.1 DTS-HD MA, that shines bright.

Grade: A+

Cartoon Saloon’s Bonus Features

As soon as Shout Factory announced this title I preordered it from them. The packaging alone makes this a worthwhile addition to anyones library, The accompanying 40-page book is stunning with an essay and character designs. They come housed in the most beautiful packaging that looks stunning on the shelf. It also comes with an exclusive bonus disc.

The Secret of Kells

Commentary by Directors Tomm Moore and Nora Twomey and Art Director Ross Stewart

Voices of Ireland: A look at the actors recording their lines, sometimes at the same time.

Director’s Presentation: A making of feature that explores the filming process. It was a long journey to get this picture made and the documentary does a great job exploring that.

Pencil to Picture

Aisling at the Oscars

Concept Trailer

Theatrical Trailer

Song of the Sea

Commentary by Director Tomm Moore

Behind the Scenes

Animation Tests

The Art of Song of the Sea

Conceptual Trailer

2 Theatrical Trailers


Commentary by Director Tomm Moore and Screenwriter Will Collins

Interviews with the Voice Actors

The Art of Voicing Wolfwalkers

Behind “Running with the Wolves”: A look with the filmmakers at a key scene.

How to Draw: Wolf, Mebh and Forest: A rather lengthy how to, it is a lot of fun to watch

The Music of Wolfwalkers

Character Designs of Wolfwalkers: An hour long talk with the director.

2020 Comic Con Panel

Behind the Scenes

Conceptual Trailer

Bonus DIsc

The Secret of Kells Animatic

Song of the Sea Animatic

Wolfwalkers Animatic: All three animatics are feature length and have commentary by Tomm Moore and others.

Reading of Pangur Ban

The Two Worlds of Wolfwalkers


Grade: A+

One of the most beautiful sets you can own. Easily some of the best animated movies to come out. Cartoon Saloon’s Irish Folklore Trilogy is the set collector’s need to own.

Overall: A+

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