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Freakin' Sweet Family Guy Reviews


My wife often accuses me of getting movies on Blu-Ray/DVD, and watching them once and then leaving them on a shelf to collect dust. In an effort to prove her wrong and to also at the same time annoy her, I’ve decided to watch every episode of Family Guy I own. And I own all […]


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The Scream Factory Crypt


Welcome to the Scream Factory Crypt! In this binge series I will be watching all my Scream Factory titles I own alphabetically! Scream Factory is my favorite imprint of Blu-Ray’s because they take movies that studios and the public might not adore but have fans and deserve to be given respect. This will take a […]

Catching the Classics


Well, ladies and gents, four films are left, and there are only three more match-ups until we crown the Champion of Movie Madness. Starting tomorrow, you — the dear listeners/readers/followers of the Reel Nerds Podcast — will have to make some very difficult decisions, because the four remaining films are some of the best ones […]

Top Blu-rays of 2021


Roy Earle (Humphrey Bogart) has just been released from prison. He decides to do one last job. His plan with his former associates is to hit a California Resort. He runs into trouble, that trouble is love. After meeting a family from Ohio, Roy falls Velma (Joan Leslie). She needs a procedure to fix her […]

Show Time


It’s the week/end before Thanksgiving, so you know what that means… I have a new Disney movie to review! This time is the House of Mouse’s 100th anniversary film, “Wish.” Disney as a brand and as an animation studio are struggling to find a solid footing after the pandemic, underwhelming Disney+ movies, some box office […]

Foolish Behaviour


Part 5: In Which Our Hero Polishes HIs Sound, Falls in Love with a Bond Girl and Other Musings of a Rock ‘n’ Roll Superstar It wasn’t official, but The Faces were for the most part broken up. With Ron Wood being on “loan” to The Rolling Stones the writing was on the wall. Rod […]


Part 4: In Which Our Hero Loses a Band, but Gains a New Home Rod Stewart was a superstar. He was making hit record after hit record, not only as a solo artist but also as a member of The Faces. According to several members of The Faces, Rod seemed less interested in the band […]

Ryan's Recent Writes


Part 10: In Which Our Hero Returns to His Roots In 1993, Rod Stewart continued his chart topping ways with Unplugged….and Seated. And contrary to what was said in the music scene, he actually never left. Although his albums in the mid 1980’s did not reach the heights of his 1970’s output, the music “critics” […]


One of the most frequent questions I am always asked being the host of the greatest movie podcast ever (opinions may vary) is “What’s your favorite movie?” That answer has been the same since I was 11 years old. But it also isn’t as easy to explain why I love some movies more than others. […]

Arthouse Asshole


Do you ever want to feel artistically superior to all of your friends? Maybe you are tired of your friends talking about how great the latest action film is and want to sound better. Maybe you want to impress your date with obscure film trivia. Maybe you think that knowing a lot about film history […]

Denver FanExpo 2023


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As far as nerds go, there are not many reeler than Ryan. His love for movies is unmatched. He also loves comic books. When you combine comic books and movies Ryan is at his happiest. He enjoys all forms of pop culture and prides himself on knowing more then average nerds. Ryan has a couple of characters he prefers over the rest, first and foremost is Spider-Man. He also loves Ash from the Evil Dead. Ryan also enjoys Finishing people in Mortal Kombat and hopping on Goombas. He has attended Comic-Con and several Starfests with his good buddy Brad. He is amazed on how awesome Brad is at designing Reel Nerds pages. But don’t tell Brad. He needs to stay humbled.

Favorite movie: Army Of Darkness

Favorite Genres: Action, Horror, Comic Book, Comedy



James grew up in a house where Friday night was Movie night, which meant that he’d watched more movies than anybody else his age before he was even old enough to watch the rated R ones. He’ll watch just about anything, though he tends to avoid the horror movies without a sense of humor. Among his favorite movies are: Alien, Fargo, True Romance, Ed Wood, and Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. He’s a die-hard LOST fan and a Brown Coat.

As a writer, story usually comes first for James. Memorable characters and sharp dialogue are the things that separate the classics from the chaff. That said, he does his best to keep having fun at the movies. He’s seen plenty of critics who would once have accepted summer blockbusters as entertainment become jaded and nit-picky. Sure James loves the art of film and storytelling, but fun comes first, the fun that he had watching Raiders when he was little.

Also, E.T. scares the pants off him.


Host / Designer

His earliest memory of nerdiness is discovering the Star Trek motion pictures when his parents (presumably) accidentally rented the first one on laser disc. He attended his first convention at the age of 12 and has been to many Star Trek conventions since, as well as SDCC, NYCC, and E3 twice. He’s also an avid TMNT fan who has each of the first four issues of the original comic book signed by Eastman AND Laird. Brad also favors Batman and loves Nintendo so much he still plays his Virtual Boy from time-to-time. When he’s not immersed in nerd media, he’s out competing at bar trivia or working on several creative projects like podcasting, producing short films, publishing books, and drawing cartoons.

His favorite film of all-time is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie and with over 600 DVD’s and blu-rays in his collection, Brad is surely a Reel Nerd.



Zach Eastman is the weirdest and most annoying one on the Reel Nerds Podcast.  He’s been interested in film and filmmaking in one fashion or another since age 6 when he saw Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, and has never slowed down the movie watching train. He is an avid proponent for the theatrical experience and eerily obsessed with Hollywoods Golden Age, but loves Film History as whole on top of that.

The primary reason he has no friends is because he wont shut up about the above. His Favorite films include JACKIE BROWN, CASABLANCA, ZODIAC, JOHN CARPENTER’S HALLOWEEN, and TO BE OR NOT TO BE (1942). But honestly he loves too many films to count. He is also obsessed with Old Time Radio and will mention it faster than … well… a very fast thing. He also put The Nice Guys at only Number 7 on his 2016 Filmsplosion, and therefore, is just the worst. 



Henry Jarvis is the youngest member of the Reel Nerds. His favorite films include Space Jam and Dude, Where’s My Car? and Lawrence of Arabia. He enjoys those pretentious art house films that Ryan hates. He sees a lot of movies! Honestly more than he should. He replaces his lack of social skills and meaningful friendships with his love of cinema! He’s also crying while he writes this biography for himself. His favorite directors are Andrei Tarkovsky, David Fincher, and David Lean.

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