I’m really not sure how to reconcile what I’m about to do. Our motto this past year has been “Want to like the movie” because I truly believe that cynicism is becoming far to prevalent in the film criticism world, it’s become too popular to hate things that other...
If you told me how far we’d come in 2012 last year this time last year I really wouldn’t have believed you. While I want to reiterate everything that Ryan said at the beginning of his list, I won’t, and this is The Internet so I can just do this:...
What an amazing year for The Reel Nerds. We really hit our stride as a podcast and we were given amazing opportunities, from Denver Comic-Con, to Telluride Horror Show, we met some really amazing people and saw some really amazing movies. I saw 75 new movies this...
I feel like I enjoyed movies in 2012 more than last. But I was surprised that I enjoyed blockbuster popcorn fare more than my niche indie flicks. I don’t know, maybe I just didn’t see the right ones. Most of the ones I did see I enjoyed, but not enough to include most...
High Frame Rate 3D There is so much money tied up in 3D now that I’m really not sure if it’s going away anytime soon. That said, if it’s permanent I want it to be high frame rate. Visual effects photographer Douglas Trumbull has been on...
This was a really bizarre trend this year. There were a number of films originally scheduled to release in 2012, some of which we even had trailers for, that were then postponed to next year. They each had their own reasons, some more understandable than others, but...