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Reel Commentary: Freddy vs. Jason

Ryan records a solo Reel Commentary bonus episode of “Freddy vs. Jason.” Start up your DVD player and follow along!

James’ Top Ten(ish) Movie Villains

10. THE DALEKS and THE BORG (Dr. Who and Star Trek)


Yeah, I’m starting by cheating and making the list 11, but the truth is there are Millions of each of these so the list is cosmetic anyway.

Both of these villains are actually very similar; they are each the great evil looming somewhere in deep space and arguably the most dangerous villains in their respective universes. They are the mechanized, inhuman foot soldiers of doom without emotion. The Borg are particularly scary because of their ability to turn you into one of them, but the Daleks have a personal relationship with The Doctor, having wiped out the rest of the Time Lords, leaving him alone in the universe.

09. CHISTOPHER WALKEN (True Romance, The Rundown, Catch Me if You Can)


This doesn’t happen enough, but when it does it’s magic. He’s really on this list because of True Romance, and specifically because of the scene below, but any time that he pumps that dark, brooding evil underneath his natural quirk I think it berths cinema gold and puts our heroes in more danger than we could have expected. As Frank Abagnale he may not be as foreboding of a villain—may not be a villain at all—but the subtlety that he provides to the lies and illusions that he presents to his son sells every actions that Frank Abagnale Jr. takes after that.

08. HANS LANDA (Inglourious Basterds)


It won’t be the last time I say this hear, but it’s easy to make a villain out of a Nazi but it’s much harder to make a villain so much worse that it somewhat redeems the other Nazis in the movie. Sure, Landa is the ‘Jew Hunter’ but when it comes to the end of the movie and he agrees to end the war in exchange for the chance to live the rest of his life in America, we realize that Landa is not really a Nazi, not really a believer in all the lies and hate that fueled them, or a German nationalist, but instead was simply looking out for himself. His role in the movie is frightening and made more frightening each time he makes us laugh.

07. Joker (The Dark Knight)


It’s hard not to love the Joker. He takes the chaotic nature of villains like Chigurh or The Shark and layers this disturbing, fun, comic-book insanity over the top of it. This is a rare kind of villain who can be both chilling and lovably fun to watch.

06. ANTON CHIGURH (No Country for Old Men)


Chigurh is the human embodiment of the shark in Jaws; he’s a silent, skilled killer that cannot be controlled, predicted, or understood. He’s scary visually and his work is so disturbing that by the end of the film we don’t even need to see him kill anyone for us to be disturbed. The question that is Chigurh changes over the course of the film so that what was, “Who is this guy,” becomes, “What is the nature of evil?” I believe that many people misinturpret this movie as nihilistic when in fact what Sheriff Bell comes to realize by the end of the film is that the modern evil is no more dangerous than it was in the past, as he posits in the opening scene, but instead that it exists within our lives like a tornado that neither builds nor dies, but only spins, and we are to do our best to avoid it.

05. The Ring (The Lord of the Rings Trilogy)


The One Ring is a devil of a mcguffin; it looms over everything in the movies and while we’re trained as audiences to know our heroes will win in the end, as the end comes closer we don’t know for sure that our characters will really come out of this adventure undamaged, and sure enough they don’t. What’s dangerous about the ring is how much we can relate to it. It is a symbol of the worst things within us that if we cannot overcome may halt our journeys mid-step. It preys on Frodo’s fear, self-consciousness, and his love for everything he was leaving behind to stop him. For an inanimate object to feel so much like a presence in the movie is a rare achievement.

04. DARTH VADER (Star Wars)


One of the greatest introductions of a villain in movie history as this dark figure emerges of the smoke of the blasted open Blockade Runner door and steps over the dead bodies of the ships crew and his Stormtroopers alike. What can I say? He’s all black, part robot, he had magic skills and uses them on his own men, and he’s our heroes father.

03. THE SHARK (Jaws)


This classic villain is the archetype for the uncontrollable villains, so many of whom are on this list and borrow almost directly from The Shark. We can’t understand the shark, relate with it, we don’t know where it is or when it’s going to hit because we can’t see it, and most of all it’s scary because it’s real. Unlike the Xenomorph, which might keep us up at night but is never going to turn up in the real world, The Shark is going to scare you in the middle of a warm day as you stand calf deep in murky water. What makes The Shark even better is the perfectly crafted Indianapolis Monologue which is not only true but reminds us how many more sharks are out there than just this one.

02. XENOMORPH (Alien)


This creature has become so iconic now that I think it’s lost a little of it’s edge unfortunately, but if you put in Alien and turn off the lights, it’s still just as scary as it is smart. The Xenomorph plays on every aspect of our inbred xenophobia: it hatches from a fleshy egg into a spider thing, then grows in your chest and busts out, it has almost no recognizable human features except for generalities like fingers and feet, which are only similar enough to be creepy. It’s a well-designed monster in a claustrophobic horror film made by a master of filmmaking who’s always ahead of his time. Dissertations have been written about the meaning of the creatures phallic imagery and what it is about the scene at the end with Ripley nearly naked and the monster lurking around every corner that disturbs us so much. It’s the things that nightmares are made of and I hope to see it treated properly again one day, perhaps for the first time since its inception. Yes, it’s very much like the Shark in Jaws but I like it more and I think that it stands up to time a little better.

01. RENE BELLOQ (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark)


This is the character that taught me what it took to write a great villain when I was ten. In the scene after Marion’s supposed death, when Belloq and Indiana sit down at a table together, in an effort to swing Indy over to his side, he unwittingly explains why he is such wonderful villain. “You and I are very much alike. Archeology is our religion, yet we have both fallen from the pure faith. Our Methods have not differed as much as you might pretend. I am a but a shadowy reflection of you. It would take only a nudge to make you like me, to push you out of the light… You know it’s true.”


Belloq is the perfect foil for our hero. With so many things about them the same, he amplifies the parts of Indiana Jones that make us love him. In a way he is not only a good villain for the sake of having a good villain, he’s a good villain for the sake of making our hero a better hero. And he is a good villain. Certainly the Nazis are more threatening—even Belloq is afraid of them—but Marion and Indy might not have had to ‘watch’ the Ark be opened if not for Belloq’s intimate knowledge of Indy’s thoughts. His greatest move comes—right after he eats a fly—when Indiana thinks he’s gotten the drop on the Nazis with a rocket launcher and Belloq turns the whole situation around on him with nothing but his words, he even stands up to the Nazis in that scene. Belloq is so close to his goal, and nothing will keep him from it.

This isn’t a list of the ‘scariest’ villains, just the best ones, and while I think that Rene Belloq is one of the most well crafted villains in cinema history, there is nothing scary about him. Part of what makes this character work is his humanity, his realism, displayed most prominently in his scene with Marion in their tent. Belloq is treated like the timid kid from a teen comedy in this scene, completely unable to hit on a woman or see the trap that she’s setting for him—a trap that would have succeeded if not for the Nazis. In a movie with Nazis in it, it’s easy to create a villain like Hans Landa, a pure evil, pitiless psychopath with no real allegiances, but Belloq isn’t a Nazi, he’s a human and an archeaologist.


Runners Up

ABIN COOPER (Red State) – Disqualified for being too new

AGENT SMITH (The Matrix)

AL CAPONE (The Untouchables)

Ep. 8: The Nerd Avenger

Ryan, James and Brad conclude a ‘marvel’ous summer with Captain America: The First Avenger and share news about recent trailers and SDCC 2011.

Ryan’s Top 10 Movie Villains

Ah villains, we love to hate them. Villains play an important role in a hero’s journey, they can evoke fear and hate. Some do it subtly, others love being over the top. Here is a list of my favorite bad guys.

  10. Dumbledore (Harry Potter Series)The single most controversial character on my list and I have few supporters in my view, but I believe Dumbledore is one big villain. Knowing that Harry is the only person that can destroy Voldemort’s horcruxes, Dumbledore uses Harry to find them. That would be fine if he told Harry, but instead he deceives Harry and Snape into doing his dirty work since he himself cannot destroy Voldemort. He also knows that Harry will die and must die when he faces Voldemort…hmm a professor leading a student to his death…sounds like a villain to me.

  9. Jigsaw (Saw series) Maybe a hero in his own mind, John Kramer was diagnosed with terminal cancer and instead of just dying he decided to take out revenge on those who take life for granted. By making his victims choose between life and death gives him a twisted god complex. Played with cool and calmness by Tobin Bell, Jigsaw is one of the newest bogeymen of horror.

  8. Predator (Predator series)  A badass hunter from space the Predator collects other species for trophies. Cool weapons and awesome technology these creatures rock. They also take on the likes of Arnold Schwarzenegger, aliens from the Alien movies and… Danny Glover?

 7. Evil Ash (Army of Darkness)What happens when you take the smart assy-ness of Ash from Army of Darknessand combine it with the fury of an undead demon? A totally awesome villain. He’s funny and scary played perfectly by Bruce Campbell, I love this character and wish he wasn’t blown up at the end of the movie, because it would be awesome to see him lead an army of the dead again.

 6. Freddy Krueger ( A Nightmare on Elm Street series) Crazed child molester Fred Krueger was burned alive by venegful parents, but what they didn’t know was that act birthed something much worse. Able to murder children in their sleep where no one can protect them, Freddy unleashed his revenge. Robert Englund was amazing and gave the boogeyman a voice and very distinct manners. Also played well by Jackie Earle Haley in the 2010 reboot, if it wasn’t for some truly goofy sequels Freddy would be higher on my list.

  5. Norman Bates (Psycho series) Talk about mommy issues. Norman Bates ran the Bates Motel with his mother for years. Truly in love withhis mother when she took a lover and ignored him, he poisoned them both. But it doesn’t end there. Instead of burying his mother he keeps her corpse in her bedroom, wow that’s crazy but wait there’s more. He also dresses up in her clothes and murders more people in his mothers disguise.  Perkins is so scary and amazing in this role even the scene where he just talks to Janet Leigh gives you chills.

  4. Dr. Horrible (Dr. Horrible’s Sing-A-Long Blog) Trying  to get into the Evil League of Evil Dr. Horrible uses his inventions to impress the leader Bad Horse. He believes his latest invention a Freeze Ray will get the job done. Neil Patrick Harris is money as the hapless villain. The story also has a douche bag hero Captain Hammer(Nathon Fillion who also rocks) who always seems to show up when Dr. Horrible is about to commit a crime. This once download only series became such a hit that you can now get the DVD, Blu-Ray, and also a soundtrack. Get them all, as the story is at one time funny, political, romantic, and finally tragic with NPH nailing all aspects.

  3. The Joker (The Dark Knight) Forget Jack Nicholson’s Joker from Batman ‘89, Heath Ledger’s Joker is the best. At the time of the casting no one believed the hunky star of a Knight’s Tale could bring the kind of crazy neededbe the Joker. But much to the surprise of even the most hating fan boys, everyone was singing his praise. The unfortunate death of Ledger makes his performance even more haunting and tragic as the possibility of another Batman/Joker showdown will never be realized. And we will never look at a magic trick the same.

  2. Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th series) Starting his cinematic career as a throw away scare at the end of the first Friday the 13th, Jason has become one of the most popular and terrifying villains in movie history. Silent and determined to kill everyone just because Jason is the ultimate untimely death. Debunking a myth; Jason doesn’t kill because you have sex or smoke weed, he kills because he can, and will with no remorse. Don’t believe me? Ask Mark form Part 2 who was in a wheelchair when he took a machete to the face.

  1. Darth Vader (Star Wars series) The ultimate bad guy is the baddest dude in the whole galaxy. A master of the force and Jedi skills Anakin Skywalker choose the more rewarding life as a sith lord. Able to choke people by just wishing it he is feared like no one else. He even chopped his own sons hand off when he refused to join the darkside. And he also decapitated his former mentor and friend Obi-Wan Kenobi. Did I mention he also ordered the total destruction of a whole planet? Don’t mess with Vader!

Reel Commentary: Night of the Living Dead

Ryan and Brad record their first Reel Commentary bonus episode while watching the 40th Anniversary edition of “Night of the Living Dead.” Start up your DVD player and follow along!

Ep. 7: The Nerdly Hallows

Ryan, James and Brad witness the conclusion to the Harry Potter franchise! Due to technical difficulties, the news segment was ruined but was still included at the end of the show if you really want to know what they’ve been watching, their opinion of the Netflix price hike, and Evil Dead 4.

Ep. 6: Horrible Nerds

Ryan and Brad review Horrible Bosses, share thoughts on the new boss of The Office, and wonder why more people aren’t interested in Rise of the Planet of the Apes.

28 Days Later is not a Zombie movie…but here are 10 movies that are Zombie movies and Awesome

I recently watched a Zombie Movie documentary and it included 28 Days Later. 28 Days Later is a great movie but it is not a Zombie movie. A Zombie is a corpse that has been reanimated. In 28 Days Later the villains are infected with a rage virus. They do not die, they become infected almost instantly and commit attacks on people who are not.

In order to help my fellow movie lovers here is a list of my top 10 Zombie Movies that are readily available at your local Best Buy or at enjoy!!

10.Land of The Dead(2005) George Romero returns to the zombie genre and continues his version of the apocalypse. The natural evolution of the Zombies is explored and an awesome performance by Dennis Hopper makes this a can’t miss movie.

9. Night of The Creeps(1986) This movie has a lot going on in it. It’s a revenge tell, a comedy, a little sci-fi, and of course a bunch of Zombies. After two fraterinty pledges thaw an infected corpse it stalks a college campus and turns it’s coeds into the walking dead. Best line “The good news is your dates are here…the bad news is they’re all dead.”

8. Dawn of The Dead(2004) A remake that could have been the worst idea in horror history turns out to be one killer of a movie. The first 20 minutes of the movie are truly scary and the direction of Zack Snyder is great. The movie does a great job of taking what you know about the original and turns it sideways. This movie also took what made 28 Days Later effective and had the monsters be fast and ferocious.

7. Day of The Dead(1985) Romero’s third zombie movie is as bleek as they get. The last of the human survivors are trapped in a bunker and not only have to fight the dead but also each other. This movie is an interesting study on what happens when almost all humanity is lost and how people will react being cooped up with the same area for extended periods of time. This movie is very dark and doesn’t have a character to root for…well maybe Bub the Zombie.

6. Return of The Living Dead(1985) Brrraains! Another dark comedy but also has some great terror moments. This movie actually features running Zombies and gives them a voice as well. There are several memorable zombies in here none more so then Tar Man.

 5. The Walking Dead(2010) Yes I’m cheating here since this is a TV show but it is amazing. Based on the great comic series by Robert Kirkman the story follows police officer Rick Grimes as he awakes from a coma to find the world overrun by the living dead. The first episode alone makes this a much watch and so too does the incredible acting by all actors.

 4. Zombieland(2009) Funny and super clever Zombieland follows a shy kid Columbus as he survives the Zombie apocalypse. Along the way he meets Tallahassee who is a zombie killing expert and two girls Wichita and Little Rock. The movie does a great job of having humor and horror blended into one awesome smoothie. And it also winks at the zombie movies before by having Columbus create and follow very specific rules.

 3. Dawn of The Dead(1978) Romero’s second movie is a clever take on commercialism. The movie takes place at some point after the zombies have risen and starting to overtake the world. Tom Savini makes a name for himself in this movie with some great carnage. But what makes this movie standout like most Romero Zombie movies is it’s political message through out the movie.

 2. Shaun of The Dead(2004) Part comedy, part horror, 100% awesomeness. The movie that introduced Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, and Edgar Wright to the world has a great energy through out. The movie follows a pair of slackers as they combat Zombies and their own personal lives. The movie does an amazing job balancing comedy and horror. I’ve watched this movie so much but every time I watch it I find something else to love.

 1. Night of the Living Dead(1968) Was there any doubt what number one be? This is the single most ground breaking film in mordern horror, and it’s also one of the best. No real reason is given for the dead returning to life which adds to the horror. It also makes social commentary having the lead of the movie be a black man(remember this was 1968!). Also the way the movie is shot by Romero adds to the tension and it’s impact cannot be disputed.

Ep. 5: Nerdformers

James returns to critique Transformers: Dark of the Moon with Ryan and Brad. Comic-Con, Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol, Game of Thrones, Wilfred, and Louie are also discussed. Bonus Show: James calls out Jon Stewart.

Ep. 4: Pixartisans

Ryan and Brad spit in the face of critics and check out Pixar’s latest sequel, Cars 2.

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