Year: 2013

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James Top 20 Films of 2012

If you told me how far we’d come in 2012 last year this time last year I really wouldn’t have believed you. While I want to reiterate everything that Ryan said at the beginning of his list, I won’t, and this is The Internet so I can just do this: Bam! I also want to add that as great as this year has been, it’s also been rather heartbreaking. I’d like to thank Tom Sullivan for sitting down on our show and just for generally being an amazing person. 

Anyway, there’s plenty more talking to come, so lets start the list. These are my favorite films of 2012. These are Ryan’s. These are Brad’s. And This is where you can here us talk about them and more.

The opening sequence of Lincoln sets the stakes very high, repeating the promises of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address to put the soul of America and the promise of democracy on the edge of a knife. This sense of urgency never leaves the film, and throughout every scene of political squabbling and marital grief, this acts as a driving force of what seem to be Lincoln’s deliberate and determined actions. It’s hard to make a movie where every scene is just people talking about politics or depression and have it be entertaining, but the weight of the subject at hand and the likability of the characters themselves propel us forward through a short two-and-a-half hours. On top of all that, what more can be said about Daniel Day-Lewis and Sally Fields’ performances? They are among the best actors of their generations and these are certainly among the best of their careers. Spielberg remains in an entirely different league. You cannot compare him to anyone but himself at this point, and when you see Lincoln you know that this will be one of the films he is most remembered for. This is art at its perfection.

This isn’t just the most crowd pleasing fun I had all year, this was also the fulfillment of a wish that seemed impossible. Mixing all these superheros from tonally different films seemed to guarantee that no matter how much fun the movie would end up being, it would always feel disjointed, but that didn’t happen. Mixing these characters together would be one thing, but most people would agree that this is actually the best versions of all those characters. The Incredible Hulk has never been done so well on film, Captain America is more fun and more interesting here than he is in his origin, Iron Man is as good as he always is, though we do get the end of his transition into a real hero who risks his life to save everyone, Black Widow and Hawkeye obviously get more development, I would only argue that Thor is a bit flat when compared against the dramatic scenes we saw in Asgard.

I was really looking forward to Cabin in the Woods but it was still the biggest surprise of the year because it was not at all what I expected it to be. Cabin is the Shaun of the Dead of American horror. It deconstructs a genre while also becoming an entry into it. Maybe more than anything on this list, see this movie.

I know, you probably hated this movie and I understand that, because the reasons why you hate this movie are the reasons why this isn’t my number one. This movie stuck with me, it made me think about it for weeks. I love the ideas that it plays with and the world that it inhabits. I love David, and the way he skirts morality because he doesn’t understand it. I love the quest for life and the idea that aliens might simply be uninterested in us. It’s a beautiful film and I want to see more big-budget, space-treking science fiction like it in the future.

I’ve be a devout fan of Rian Johnson since the credits first rolled on Brick and it’s been relly exciting to see the direction his career is taking. Looper is his first foray into action and science fiction and thankfully he didn’t loose his unique storytelling, quirky comedic timing and beautiful sense of motion. Looper does what most great sci-fi does, by taking an idea as simple as ‘what if you could sit down at a diner with your future self’ and exploring it literally, then it wraps itself inside of a cool action flick in order to become palatable. When the movie starts you never image that it will take you to the dark places that future Joe’s mission requires, and you certainly don’t think that you might be on his side when it does.

6. Beasts of the Southern Wild

It’s the sense of place that Beasts of the Southern Wild does so well that allows it to become so engrossing. From the dialect to the set decoration of the parade floats, the Bathtub is a real place, which makes Hushpuppy real, which makes her story real, and the emotional pull of her self-discovery ring true. To tell someone the plot of Beasts of the Southern Wild is a surprisingly brief act that brings to light just how important the way the story is told actually is.

After the first time I saw The Hobbit I was not expecting it to be on my top ten. It’s not that I thought the movie was bad, but it felt like their were pacing problems that kept me from really getting involved in the movie the way I did with The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. But what I discovered seeing it again was that all the questions about whether or not it would live up to the quality of the first trilogy, whether or not Radaghast would end up paying off throughout the trilogy, where they were going to split the films and whether that would seem satisfying, all those questions had kept me from actually letting myself enjoy it the first time. The second time I simply had fun. I liked watching the dwarves sing their songs and do dishes, and felt more of the tension as Spiders tried to invade Radaghast’s home, I got to know each of the dwarves a little better so that I actually cared about them, and I got invested in Bilbo’s search for courage and mercy. The movie isn’t perfect, and I think that a film should be able to stand on its own, but I also think that An Unexpected Journey can’t really be judged fairly until the story is completed, and if it eventually turns into a great trilogy, made better because the elements it sets us pay off so well, than I would regret dismissing it from this list for that reason.

8. Hitchcock

I wasn’t expecting to love Hitchcock as much as I did. It follows Alfred Hitchcock from deciding to make Psycho to releasing it and the personal problems he had along the way. While it doesn’t feel as much like air-tight history as Lincoln does, likely taking creative license with his marriage, the story that it tells is so fascinating that it begs you to forgive it. As much as I love Helen Mirren’s performance and was fascinated by the insight into the making of Psycho, the controversy surrounding it, and the inspiration for it, what actually hooked me on this film is the way in which it slowly adopts the tropes of a Hitchcock film, as intrigue begins to bleed into the story and character start communicating through and becoming suspicious of the most miniscule details, like the placement of an earring or a small collection of sand. This blend of genres along with a heartwarming story about a marriage torn apart by busy lives, old age and disinterest, a husband with a voyeuristic eye, and two artists trying to keep their work from becoming stagnant.

This isn’t a Spider-Man movie it’s a Peter Parker movie, and that’s why I think it’s better than the original Spider-Man trilogy. This really felt like the Peter Parker that I loved as a kid, that I still love, who is just a normal kid with problems who is thrust into greatness. There are so many great comic book franchises going right now but this is the one I am most excited to see a sequel to right now. If you can marry the great characters here with the drama of Gwen Stacy’s arch and the big action I expect from a sequel that isn’t weighed down by an origin story they might have one of the best superhero movies’ ever made.

This is the kind of kids movie I’m passionate about. Paranorman refuses to give in to the temptations of simple storytelling and simple lessons to teach. It addresses issues of being an outcast from different angles, turning zombies into sympathetic monsters and making villains out of outcasts who’ve grown to hate their bullies. Children aren’t dumb, they can understand complex ideas as long as they are told in a way they understand. There was a time when I dreamed of a year when my favorite animated movie wasn’t Pixar (because the bar was raised at other studios, not because Pixar stopped trying so hard) but Laika makes it really easy to love Paranorman. The animation is stunning and the work that clearly went into it shows a love for filmmaking that is too rare among kids flicks these days.

I love the Dark Knight Trilogy and the The Dark Knight Rises was a fittingly epic end to the story. Bane is not a villain I expected to see on film again after the appallingly bad Batman & Robin, but Nolan brings a new visual aesthetic and tone to the character that makes you impatient to see him again. No it didn’t make my top ten, neither did Skyfall, but that doesn’t mean that there’s something wrong with the film. It’s become really popular to rip apart these popular films for tiny errors of continuity or logic and the Dark Knight Rises has been among those unfairly scrutinized, but I do not heed to that. DKR is amazing, and cool, and fun and the kind of wish fulfillment that comic book fans never thought they’d get. 

Skyfall proved to me that a Bond film could reintegrate all the tropes of James Bond, the puns, the gadgets, the silly villains with their silly deformities and silly plans for world domination, but still be a smart film with great characters and grounded action scenes. I was really excited to see a director like Sam Mendes take on 007 and I was not disappointed. No one was.

This movie is great. Check out our award for Best Film of 2012 You Didn’t See to read my review.

The trailer for Seven Psychopaths looked really good, but it sold it as a quirky thief comedy about guys stealing dogs for ransom money, which sells the movie short. This might have been my favorite surprise of the year. It’s a crime comedy with an injection of Charlie Kaufman’s Adaptation and the quick dialog and interesting characters that Martin McDonagh is becoming known for.

15. The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

This is a charming film about old people carving out a new life for themselves. As ordinary as that sounds, this one chooses to tell a few more difficult stories about how chance can be good for you while at the same time tearing apart everything that was once most important to you.

You’ve probably seen 21 Jump Street and there’s a good chance you saw it because a friend told you about how good it was. This year there were few movies with as strong word of mouth as this one. It would have been easy to make a simple, stupid movie out of the old 90’s series but thankfully someone along the line decided to both embrace and refuse to make such a movie. But you already know that… because as I said, you already saw it.

17. Safety Not Guaranteed
Safety Not Guaranteed is a charming comedy that allows Aubrey Plaza and Mark Duplass plenty of room show off. 

The Grey was an early surprise. Advertised as ‘Liam Neeson punch wolves with broken bottles’ I expected more action and survival, but what we got was a nihilistic movie about the way we approach difficulties in our lives.

This movie plays to my sensibilities: charming hill people, local folklore, bluegrass music. The story of cowardly Jack trying to find his place among his iconic brothers brought heart to a movie that could have easily just been a action film with dark and twisted villains. Jessica Chastain’s performance at the end of the film as she tries to keep Forrest from going to the bridge is enough to earn its place on this list.

20. Django Unchained

For me, Django shows a complete lack of restraint on Tarantino’s part, and while I still enjoyed it, the sloppy final act, including Tarantino’s embarrassing appearance in the film, squander all of the good will generated by the first two-thirds. It’s hard to follow up a film like Inglorious Basterds, and I kept reminding myself that Django was never going to achieve that level, but I never expected the movie to wander aimlessly as much as it does. 

The movies not on this list that may have affected it had I seen them are: The Master, Robot and Frank, and Smashed.

– James Hart

Am I a big dumb-dumb with a stupid-head list? Leave a comment below!

Ep. 82: Don’t Mess With Texas Chainsaw

The Reel Nerds kick off the new year by watching dumb people get slaughtered.


(7:19) Fan Mail


(20:45) Ryan: Hall Pass, The Conspirator, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, The Sound of Music, More Brains, Looper

(35:15) Ryan & James: Les Miserables

(42:00) James: Looper, Beasts of the Southern Wild, Guys & Dolls, Casablanca, Homeland S:1

(49:22) Brad: Tim and Eric’s Billion Dollar Movie, 21 Jump Street, Star Trek (2009), Safety Not Guaranteed, Rat Race, Explorers, The Secret of Kells, Fitzwilly, Troll 2, Radioland Murders, Griff the Invisible, OSS 117: Nest of Spies, Batman: Mask of the Phantasm, Hyde Park on Hudson, K-PAX, Todd Margaret S:2

Box Office

(1:20:00) #1 Hobbit, Highest grossing Christmas week attendance


(1:21:50) Dredd, Frankenweenie, Stolen, Hit & Run, House at the End of The Street, Compliance, Samsara, Game Change, Archer S3, Justified S3

Reel News

(1:25:16) Agent Carter won’t be in Captain America sequel

(1:26:16) Aurora Century 16 re-opening

Comics Corner

(1:31:42) Batman: Earth One, Spider-Man #700


(1:54:00) Texas Chainsaw 3D


Ryan’s ranks all 75 movies he saw in 2012!!!

What an amazing year for The Reel Nerds. We really hit our stride as a podcast and we were given amazing opportunities, from Denver Comic-Con, to Telluride Horror Show, we met some really amazing people and saw some really amazing movies. I saw 75 new movies this year! Plus 2 re-releases, I have always loved movies and doing this podcast lets me talk about the stuff I love (and sometimes do not like). 

The Reel Nerds have made it our goal this year to not judge a movie without seeing it and expect every movie to be good. That will not always be the case but it has helped me enjoy movies that I may have judged in the past unfairly (here’s looking at you Battleship). So without further ado, here is my complete list of movies ranked from 75-1. Thanks to all that make this happen, Brad, editor, designer supreme. James, the wookie, and wisdom beyond mine. To all the fans, thanks for listening and all your feedback. Denver Comic-Con, thanks for the booth and the coolest Con ever. Tsunami Publicity(Ami) for all of your help and the chance to go to Telluride to watch Horror movies and the chance to interview some incredibly talented people. And of course my beautiful wife Laura, you put up with so much and I love you more everyday! 

75. Wrong Turn 5: I saw the trailer for this at Telluride Horror Show and thought it looked like fun, it was not. Cheaply made, poorly scripted, and acted worse then a 2nd grade Easter play, this is the worst movie of the year.

74. Sand Sharks: James and I laughed when we saw the cover art for this movie. I watched it on Netflix streaming for free and I still want my money back. Bad acting, sloppy editing, and Brooke Hogan as a scientist make this almost as bad as Wrong Turn 5, almost.

73. Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part II: Not the worse movie of the year but still not that good. Billy Burke is again great and the look on his face when Jacob starts undressing in front of him is priceless almost saying, “this is the most ridiculous thing I have ever done.” And the movie is the most ridiculous movie of the year. I will never get these movies, but at least there is no more…for now.

72. Piranha 3DD: Huge let down after the first one. The first Piranha was fun and goofy, this is none of those. It all takes place at a  lame water park and what could have been a fun franchise instead is now floating in a toilet bowl. 

71. Dark Shadows: Tim Burton and Johnny Depp love the TV show Dark Shadows. You can’t tell by this abomination. Boring and convoluted is the least of this movies problem. Uninspired directing and some weird choices( our daughter is all of a sudden a werewolf at the most convenient time!) this movie is so bad it pains me to see Johnny Depp in this. I have been disappointed with Mr. Depp the last couple years, hopefully he can return to form in The Lone Ranger. 

70. What to Expect, When You’re Expecting: My wife really wanted to see this, and after we saw it she wanted to un-see it. Maybe one laugh in the whole movie but I can’t remember what it is.

69. Les Miserables: Great performances cannot elevate this ho-hum musical. Tom Hopper decided to use extreme close ups and 45 degree angles to tell this story and it is really distracting. Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway are very good however.

68. Intruders: This horror movie out thinks itself and what starts as promising soon spirals into a convoluted mess. Great atmosphere though.

67. Take This Waltz: Seth Rogan stars as a loving husband who is in the process of writing a cooking book. Michelle Williams is his wife who cheats on him because the artist across the street is exciting. What a bogus reason to cheat on someone. Hard to like a movie when the lead is not likable. 

66. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter: I liked the book until the last 60 pages, it did not take me as long to not care for this movie. It never fully embraces the goofiness of the movie, nor does it embrace the seriousness it tries to convey. What you get is a muddled mess of a movie. Some cool scenes of killing vampires help it from being completely dull.

65. Seeking a Friend For the End of The World: Steve Carrell and Keira Knightley are good in this doom and gloom movie, but the movie doesn’t know if it wants to be a comedy or a drama. There are some touching scenes though, Martin Sheen as Carrells father is great.

64. Father’s Day: This is infamous amongst the Nerds. Brad liked it. James and I did not. There is some fun to be had watching this movie, but you have to get past the dick eating and bad acting to get there. I will admit I laughed at some parts, but watching it once is enough for me.

63. Men In Black 3: When I saw the trailer, I was not impressed. I went into the movie however hoping that this movie could recapture the greatness of the first MIB, it did not. It really seems like a bunch of skits built around Agent J and K. Some cool effects, the travel through time is awesome.

62. Cloud Atlas: Half of this movie is good, the other half is boring and distracting. The idea of people being connected over the course of many years is cool, but it just doesn’t work. And the goofy future talk is dumb. But I do want to see this again, maybe in my next life.

61. Ghost Rider-Spirit of Vengeance: The first Ghost Rider was dumb. This one is dumber. Nic Cage is so over the top it’s annoying. The new design of Ghost Rider is cool and there is some sweet car chases throughout the movie.

60. Bourne Legacy: Jeremy Renner steps into the Bourne universe and he is pretty good. The biggest flaw in this movie is it takes so long to get going that when it finally does, it abruptly ends. When we saw it and it just ended everyone in the theater looked around and said really? 

59. Killing Them Softly: Brad Pitt is great in this movie. The rest of the movie is pretty boring. The actors really elevate the material. 

58. The Watch: Another movie that suffers from identity crisis. Is it screwball, is it sci-fi? There is some great moments, and some funny parts but not enough with the talent that is in this picture.

57. American Reunion: This movie reminds me of high school. Yes it’s fun to see the Pie Gang again but it feels a little tired. Eugene Levy steals the movie as Jim’s dad.

56. Underworld-Awakening: Kate Beckinsale returns as the vampire Selene and she still kicks ass. Too bad the rest of the movie is not up to her level. Cool fights with a giant werewolf keeps the blood flowing.

55. The Lorax: Danny Devito as the Lorax is great casting. Ed Helms is great as well. The rest of the movie is a candy coated meh.

54. Wrath of the Titans: Sequel to an ok movie makes this an ok sequel. It is better but the Kraken is cooler then the Lava monster in this one. 

53. Frankenweenie: This movie is very cute at parts. But the mess that makes up the third act can not save the film from being average. At times the animation is great, but there are points that you become distracted by the herky jerkyness of it.

52. Flight: James will tell you this movie is great, I will tell you that it is average. Denzel Washington is superb as a damaged pilot. But he is so horrible that you do not care what happens to him and you just wish the movie would end so you don’t have to endure Whip anymore.

51. Life of Pi: a critical darling but I was unimpressed. There is some cool moments at the beginning but when Pi  becomes shipwrecked is where I lost interest. 

50. Jeff, who Lives At Home: Jason Segel is great in this movie about a 30 something who lives at home. So too is Susan Surandon but I never got into this movie. 

49. Total Recall: This is one of the movie that I thought was better then I was expecting. Len Wisemen makes a great visual world and some cool action set pieces, unfortunately that’s all it is. But I am curious to see the directors cut.

48. Snow White and The Huntsman: Cool concept and Charlize Theron is terrifying as the evil step mom. Cool visuals but again really shallow in the story department. Kristin Stewart smiles in this movie so that’s a plus.

47. Wanderlust: Love Paul Rudd and Jennifer Aniston, but this movie about a yuppie New York couple that roughs it after losing their apartment is kinda forgettable. Some really great scenes turned in though by Justin Theroux.

46. John Carter: Taylor Kitsch had a tough year but his movies are better then everyone thinks. This sci-fi epic has some really cool action scenes and the trailers do not give the movie justice, rent this one for sure.

45. Casa De Mi Padre: Will Farrell makes a Spanish speaking movie that plays homage to the soap operas on daytime Univision. It is really goofy and it is funny but it takes a little patience to watch.

44. Dredd: Much better then I thought it would be. Super violent and doesn’t try to be anything that it isn’t. Really cool action drives this picture.

43. Taken 2: Liam Neeson kicking some more ass, nuff said.

42. Rock of Ages: I enjoyed most of this musical. Tom Cruise can sing and is great as rock God Stacee Jaxx.

41. Resident Evil-Retribution: Mila Janovich kills zombies, and Paul W.S. Anderson tries to tell a coherent story, only one succeeds. 

40. Premium Rush: Joesph Gordon-Levitt had a great year. This movie starts JGL as a bike messenger who has a dangerous package. The movie has some really cool stunts but it is also kinda silly.

39. This is 40: Judd Apatow returns with a follow up to Knocked Up. The movie has some great moments and is funny. But, the movie doesn’t really have a plot it just follows a family and all the baggage that comes with it. 

38. Battleship: The movie that could have been horrible is actually a lot of fun. Taylor Kitsch is very good as a brash Naval Officer who must stop an alien invasion. The special effects are great and the use of a Battleship to stop the aliens is awesome.

37. Jiro Dreams of Sushi: A good documentary about the greatest Sushi Chef in the world. Jiro’s drive to be the best is inspiring but also crazy that he is in his 80’s and has never had a vacation. Must watch.

36. Silent House: Elizabeth Olsen stars in this “single shot” horror movie that is pretty well done. The mystery that slowly gets solved isn’t that great but it still hinges on an outstanding performance by Olsen. She is the only one on camera for much of the movie and if you don’t believe her the movie is a failure. She knocks it out of the park.

35. Five Year Engagement: Another comedy buoyed but great performances by the leads Jason Segel and Emily Blunt. Super cute and very funny.

34. That’s My Boy: I like Adam Sandler. I think that he is funny and it’s great to see him in a raunchy comedy again. I laughed and enjoyed this movie.

33. The Campaign: Will Farrell and Zach Galafianakis star as rival politicians who pull out all stops to win an election. It’s stupid but it is also really funny.

32. The Grey: Liam Neeson kicking wolf ass, nuff said.

31. Woman In Black: A very good horror movie that goes back to the old Gothic Horror of the 1970’s. Daniel Radcliffe drops the Potter and starts as a lawyer in charge of an estate. It takes awhile to get going but it is very creepy and the ending is haunting.

30. V/H/S: An anthology of horror from 5 different directors, each one of these stories are very unique. Some are not that good, but others are downright scary. The first and the last one are the standouts.

29. The Battery: What a surprise coming out of the Telluride Horror Show. I love when a horror movie catches me off guard and this was one of them. Shot on a shoestring budget of $6,000 I was very impressed. Keep an eye out for this one and be sure to read James’ full length review of the movie and listen to our interview with the cast and crew.

28. Comic-Con Episode IV-A Fan’s Hope: The movie that started our good fortune this year is also very entertaining. There are a lot of mysteries of what Comic-Con really is and this will shed some light on to the event. Chuck Rozanski of Denver’s own Mile High Comics steals the movie with his wit and his blunt observations of San Diego Comic-Con.

27. Moonrise Kingdom: Wes Anderson knows how to make cute movies and he does it again. The charm of his movies are that they are so unique in their voice and style. One word to describe this movie: Whimsical.

26. Ted: Family Guy creator Seth McFarlane makes his feature film debut with a foul mouthed Teddy Bear that comes to life. Yes it’s a lot like Family Guy, but that’s good thing. Very funny and a great performance by Mark Wahlberg makes this a comedy winner.

25. Lawless: A cool period movie about a legendary family of bootleggers. The legend of the Boundurant brothers is fun and violent and Tom Hardy is great as Forrest. 

24. Brave: So cool to see a Pixar movie that focuses on the relationship of a mother and a daughter. It is the most princess movie that Pixar has done but it is wonderful. Animation that is second to none and voice acting that is top notch, another win for Pixar.

23. Expendables 2: Much better then the first because it fully embraces the 80’s action vibe. Bad ass is how I would describe this movie.

22. Goon: Another surprise, the story of a minor league hockey player who’s specialty is fighting  and causing havoc. Really funny and heartfelt.

21. Celeste and Jesse Forever: A movie that came out of nowhere that I totally adored. C and J forever is fun and heartbreaking. Rashida Jones is amazing as a separated wife who still hangs out with her husband. You hope they get back together but at the sametime you realize that maybe they shouldn’t. Great movie.

20. Beats of the Southern Wild: The little girl in this movie is astounding. How a 6 year old commands the screen like she does is mind blowing. The movie itself is somewhat of a Fable and has a surreal quality to it.

19. The Hobbit-An Unexpected Journey: Yes this movie is good. Was there any doubt? I saw it in 48fps and it looks stunning. I’m not sure if I like the HFR but it is an experience I think movie fans should have. The movie itself takes a little bit to get going but when it does it’s fabulous. Martin Freeman is great and of course Andy Serkis as Gollum is hypnotic. I can’t wait for the next chapter.

18. Jack Reacher: Tom Cruise is a force in this movie. The opening 10 minutes of this movie are very intense and it doesn’t let up. Mr. Cruise knows how to be intense and he sells his toughness very well. The car chase scene is bad ass and I love these types of action movies.

17. 21 Jump Street: Incredibly funny and laugh out loud moments make this one of the best comedies of the years. Channing Tatum is a real find as a comedy actor and Jonah Hill again does great work here. Another cool car chase that you think is going one way and totally surprises you.

16. Prometheus: Hauntingly beautiful and scary, Ridley Scott’s return to sci-fi is very welcomed. As a somewhat prequel to Alien the movie it hits all the right notes. I loved Michael Fassbender as the andriod David and think he should be nominated for an Oscar. Ignore the hate on the internet and watch an amazing picture.

15. Tim and Eric’s Billion Dollar Movie: So crazy and so not for everyone. This movie has a weird sense of humor and if you get it like I did you will like this movie, if you don’t this will be the worse movie you have ever seen. 

14. The Innkeepers: Great year for character driven horror. I loved this Ti West film about employees of a haunted hotel in search of the ghosts has some scary moments. The movie makes you like the characters so when something bad happens to them you feel it. Not many saw this but you really should.

13. Paranorman: I love this movie. A story about an outcast is the one Tim Burton wishes he could tell, the story is heartbreaking and uplifting. The animation is amazing and you forget that it is stop motion. The ending alone is breathtaking and this is a must watch.

12. Skyfall: This could be the greatest Bond ever. Daniel Craig is the ultimate Bond. Where the previous Bonds were suave and quippy Craig’s is bad ass and tough. This movie is so cool the scenes is Hong Kong are stunning. I can’t wait for the next James Bond adventure.

11. Argo: I have always liked Ben Affleck. To see him make 3 good movies in a row is great and the fact that he has turned into a great director is even cooler. This movie about the Iranian hostage crisis is tense and well made. Top notch acting, top notch directing and one hell of a great ride. Almost in my top 10 but so many good movies this year budge it out.

10. The Hunger Games: I loved this movie. The other Nerds think I am crazy but I thought it was really well done. Jennifer Lawerence is amazing and venerable as Katniss, but as she gains strength you really start to rally behind her. 

9. Sinister: A great horror movie that came from no where. Terrifying take on the found footage genre, it is creative and well acted. I like being surprised by movies and this one surprised me the most this year. Ethan Hawke is great as a writer who needs a new hit book and the length he goes to are understandable and shocking. Watch with the lights off!

8. Wreck-It-Ralph: Funny, heart warming, and beautiful. I love animation and this is my favorite from 2012. Ralph’s video game world had me smiling and the touching story had me rooting for the bad guy. This is the best looking movie of the year and I can’t wait to own it on Blu-Ray.

7. Django Unchained: Another Tarantino movie that I can watch again and again. Jamie Foxx is awesome as a freed slave and so too is Christophe Waltz. It’s a revenge movie that is sometimes hard to watch with it’s blunt take on slavery but it is needed and makes Django’s revenge that much sweeter. Leo Dicaprio is terrifying as Calvin Candie a plantation owner his monologue at the dinner table is an Oscar winner for sure. 

6. Looper: Bad ass time travel movie with a twist so cool I will not spoil it. JGL again shines in the role of Joe a hitman in the near future. I can not wait to see what Rian Johnson does next.

5. The Dark Knight Rises: A fitting ending to Nolan’s Batmam trilogy. What I respect from this series is it’s willingness to take what we think we know about superheroes and smacks us upside the head. Christan Bale gives his best performance as Bruce Wayne and Tom Hardy is imposing as Bane. I wish there would be another Nolan Batman but I am cool if this is how it ends.

4. Lincoln: What a great movie. Daniel Day-Lewis once again shines as Honest Abe. Steven Speilberg direction is of course top notch and Tony Kushner’s script is tight and full of great moments.

3. The Amazing Spider-Man: I was worried about this movie. But as I was watching it I fell in love with Andrew Garfield’s Peter Parker and Emma Stone’s Gwen Stacy. The movie is exciting and funny. It’s well done and I can not wait for the next one. Hopefully The Green Goblin will show up 🙂

2. The Cabin In the Woods: Joss Whedon how I love you. A really cool take on horror movies. It is sorta like Scream where it takes what you know about horror cliches and turns them upside down. The actors are great and the makeup effects are stellar. Also a shout out to Drew Goddard for his tight directing.

1. The Avengers: The coolest movie of the year is also the most fun and the best movie of 2012. After laying the ground work for 4 years Marvel paid it’s loyal fans with the ultimate team up movie. All characters are given their moment and they all shine. Tight script, good directing and actors that are at the top of their game elevate this movie to the top. I love this movie and Phase 2 can’t come fast enough. 

Brad’s Top Ten (and more!) of 2012

I feel like I enjoyed movies in 2012 more than last. But I was surprised that I enjoyed blockbuster popcorn fare more than my niche indie flicks. I don’t know, maybe I just didn’t see the right ones. Most of the ones I did see I enjoyed, but not enough to include most of them in my top ten. Instead, mainstream ruled my list. So hats off to the studios for stepping up their game.

Like last year, I’m providing brief thoughts about each film. There are just too many films to work through and, honestly you wouldn’t get through reading paragraphs about them all anyway. My more in depth opinions can be found on the podcast. I’ve included trailers for some of the more obscure films so that there’s a little better frame of reference. So without further adieu…


Total theater viewings: 93

Total repeat viewings: 14

Total different movies watched at the theater: 79

Total new release movies: 67

Total re-release movies: 12

Estimated money spent: $976.50 (@avg $10.50 per ticket)

2012 New Releases

Raiders of the Lost Ark (IMAX)

It’s Raiders of the Lost Ark. What else can I say about it? Didn’t feel like the IMAX format improved the film quality though.

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Would have been better as one film, as the setup takes too long. We know Bilbo is going to agree to the journey… move along. But the second half engaged me. I’m in for the next one.

Hyde Park on Hudson

There’s a hand job in the first 10 minutes. And then the movie alternates between period piece and FDR’s cousin acting bummed out because she wasn’t invited to spend time with the President.


Qwirky and off-beat, and Olivia Wilde steals the show in this fun story about competitive butter sculpting.

Killing Them Softly

Great when it’s shocking, boring the rest of the time.


Not the biopic I expected. But that’s probably good. We get to know Lincoln through the string of events involving the creation of the 13th amendment. I appreciated how familiar events were depicted in unexpected ways. And of course, Day-Lewis’ performance is transcendent.

Wreck-It Ralph

Tons of fun and has real emotional weight to it. Visually astounding with a creative story.


Well acted, but Washington’s character is so unlikeable I didn’t care what happened to him at the end.


Got to see this as a sneak preview. The individual stories are hit or miss, but the last one alone is worth a watch.

Cloud Atlas

Probably the most epic movie I’ve ever seen, and by the end I was into it, but there’s a lot to follow all at once and the super future dialog is corny.


Pretty good dramatization of a real-life event. Enjoyed the retro Warner Bros. logo and the seventies-filter.

Taken 2

If you just wanna see Liam Neeson escape from some shallow villains, this is your movie.


Wonderfully animated, beautiful visuals, and a touching story make this a recommended watch.


Pleasantly surprised this was as good as it was. Creative and action-packed but marred by some awful dialog and a couple bad visual effects.

Sleepwalk With Me

Mike Birbiglia’s biopic comedy is worth a watch. Funny and insightful.

Resident Evil: Retribution

After watching this, it’s obvious they don’t know what else to do with this franchise except make another in 3D.


Uncomfortable and so absurd at times, it’s hard to believe the story actually happened. Convincing actors really sell it.


Has entertaining moments and is well acted, but never really distinguishes itself as something special.


Raunchy foreign comedy. Pushes the envelope for gross-out humor.

Premium Rush

Silly. Combines itself with a 3D GPS map to look cooler than it is. Characters are mostly charicatures.

Total Recall

Better than I expected, but achieves less than the original. It’s stylish and grandiose without going to Mars.

The Expendables 2

Lots of fun! Glad they embraced the absurd aspects of 80’s action movies. Everything I hoped the first was going to be.

Ruby Sparks

Cute, but you hate the main character so much by the end you want to distance yourself from the movie.

The Bourne Legacy

Has the action set-pieces you’d expect but the abrupt, kinda unresolved ending leaves you unsatisfied.

The Watch

I actually liked this one. Has really funny scenes.


Really funny. Pretty much live-action Family Guy.

The Amazing Spider-Man

If the Sam Raimi movies didn’t exist, I might have liked this more. In his movies you feel like someone wanted to make the best Spider-Man movie possible. Here, you feel like they just made another Spider-Man movie, by the book.

A Cat in Paris

Pretty visuals and animation, but the story didn’t capture my attention.

Seeking a Friend for the End of the World

A good movie, has funny moments, but I didn’t buy the characters falling in love and it’s just too depressing by the end.


Another beautiful and creative Pixar endeavor, but it still felt incomplete or didn’t quite achieve it’s full potential.

Safety Not Guaranteed

Enjoyed the grounded, mysterious beginning and middle, was a bit surprised by how they ended it. Still conflicted about the conclusion this many months later, but worth a watch.

That’s My Boy

I actually thought this was funny too. Crude and outrageous.

Rock of Ages

Like I said on the show, cheesy as fuck.

Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan’s Hope

A great way to see inside the phenomenon of Comic-Con. Holds a special place because of the doors it opened for us this year.


Beautiful and well-crafted by a master, but doesn’t stray from the Alien formula. We still get scientists who make stupid decisions and I would have appreciated it if we got at least a few answers before the movie was over.

The Dictator

Funny at the time. But I’ll probably never see it again.

Snow White and the Huntsman

Visually spectacular, but the half-hearted heroine dragged the movie down.

Men In Black 3

I was excited they were giving this franchise another shot, but again, they don’t seem to know what else to do with it except embrace Will Smith’s improvising. Josh Brolin’s Tommy Lee Jones impersonation is fun to watch and the emotional climax makes up for the uninspired plot.

Dark Shadows

Stylish like most Tim Burton fare, and devoid of a story you could care about. Two hours of tame humor and a witch crying about not getting the guy she wants. And surprise, let’s throw in a daughter who’s a werewolf cuz whatever, why not?

The Pirates!

Not the movie they marketed. Did you know most of the plot revolves around Charles Darwin?

The Five-Year Engagement

A romantic comedy I could actually get behind.


Brutal hockey flick with lots of heart. Could have been one of my top-ten.

The Cabin in the Woods

This movie won me over with the unicorn impailment death.

American Reunion

Yet another Pie movie that’s funny at the moment.

Wrath of the Titans

That complex maze wasn’t very difficult was it? The only thing I liked was the lava monster.

The Hunger Games

So much of this is arbitrary I was bored. I mean, if the arena can generate killer dogs, why not more food? Oh yeah, it’s also Battle Royale for pussies.

Casa de mi Padre

Sometimes ridiculous doesn’t translate into funny for me I guess. Pretty much a one-note joke.

Jeff Who Lives at Home

A sweet little story about discovering where you fit into the world.

The Innkeepers

Sorta like Clerks if Dante and Randal ran a haunted hotel.

John Carter

I understand that this is the inspiration for the stuff we love like Star Wars, but that doesn’t mean it’s any good. I was pretty bored and didn’t care about anything going on.

Tim and Eric’s Billion Dollar Movie

This movie is pretty stupid, but that’s okay because it’s supposed to be. It’s so ridiculous it makes me laugh and laugh and laugh.

The Lorax

Aside from a certain song in the third act, this was pretty enjoyable. I think Dr. Seuss movies would be better if they stopped trying to pad them with shit Dr. Seuss didn’t create.


It was funny in the way you’d expect it.

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

The trailer got me excited to see this. The movie I ended up seeing was terrible. I’m not even sure how to describe how bizarre some of the moments in this movie are. One point finds Ghost Rider spinning on his back in mid-air for no reason, like a Looney Tunes gag. I’d say you’d have to see it to believe it, but I don’t encourage seeing it.

Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace 3D

This is actually my favorite of the prequels, so seeing it in 3D was a must. Unfortunately, the 3D wasn’t the best.

The Theatre Bizarre

The first of two horror anthologies I watched this year. This one felt more like a collection of student films.


The premise was going to be done eventually, found-footage superheroes, and this was an okay execution of it. They are just too many moments where a camera if forced into a scene where it doesn’t belong just to get the shots they want.


This was pretty boring and you could tell her voice was dubbed.

My Week With Marilyn

The first movie I saw this year. My memory is pretty hazy but I think it was a decent film. Wasn’t as invested in it as the other guys. Marilyn Monroe has never really captured my imagination.

Midnight Madness

Miami Connection

I looked forward to this for months only to discover it was cheesy but not funny cheesy. I even fell asleep through part of it.

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

I don’t need to explain how good this is, so I’m not. It was cool to introduce Ryan to it in a theater.

Super Mario Bros.

I never would have imagined I’d get to see this in a theater again. Yeah, it’s barely a Super Mario Bros movie, but I think they did the best with what they could at the time. I really don’t think a faithful Super Mario Bros. adaptation would ever work in the real world anyway.


The Evil Dead

Yeah, it’s the fucking Evil Dead. Nuff’ said.

Back to the Future

I couldn’t pass up another chance to watch one of my all-time favorite films on the big screen.

Back to the Future Part II

This comes back to theaters so rarely, how could I pass it up?

The Royal Tenenbaums

Well, I like Wes Anderson movies, so what do you expect?

Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

Delighted this came back to theaters because I don’t remember if I saw it during it’s original release. Even today I marvel at the live action/animation compositing and it’s even more impressive because it was done just before CGI took off. Amazing.


Dead or alive, I was going to see this movie in a theater for the first time.


This one I’d seen in theaters before. Still a classic. Moving on.

Pulp Fiction

Even though I’d seen this plenty of times at home, something about the theater experience made it a fresh watch as I found new things to enjoy in it and lamented that it couldn’t continue after the end.


The Top Ten

10. Seven Psychopaths

Fresh and different, this film is fun and surprising.

9. Looper

Inventive and challenging, Looper is an impressive and meticulous time-travel adventure.

8. 21 Jump Street

Still makes me laugh everytime I watch it. Funniest film of the year and the first one this year I really enjoyed.

7. Skyfall

Exciting and haunting, Skyfall feels like a classic Bond film and Bardem’s revenge obsessed villain always has your attention.

6. Django Unchained

Saying this movie is totally badass says it all.

5. Robot & Frank

Kleptomaniac Frank recruits a robot accomplice and we slowly discover more about Frank than I expected.

4. Father’s Day

A terrible film, but that’s the fun of it. Funny and shocking, this one pushes the envelope as far as it can.

3. The Avengers

This exceeded my expectations. I didn’t believe a movie like this could work, but it did. It was lots of fun.

2. Moonrise Kingdom

I love Wes Anderson’s whimsical world and characters and again he transports me back into it with this sweet little film.

1. The Dark Knight Rises

For me, The Dark Knight Rises is a satisfying conclusion to the story Nolan and company set out to tell. I was worried a film that looked this epic could work in Batman’s world. There’s plenty of fan service and I’m impressed with how much of the comics they managed to revise and incorporate into the film. The initial Bane showdown is awesome! The score is relentless! Yeah, there are plot-holes and unresolved issues but I’m too engrossed by the film to notice until much later. Almost three hours go by and I feel like a 5 hour story was told in only one. And they made Bane a formidable big-screen villain. This movie is all win to me.

Well, that’s it for 2012. Feel free to submit your thoughts, opinions, questions as always.

– Brad

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