The Reel Nerds get out and see Get Out.
(11:25) Art House Asshole: The Club
(13:46) Doctor Strange, Moonlight, Before Sunrise Trilogy, The Raid Collection, Hunter X Hunter, One More Time with Feeling, Contract Kill, All We Had, Tupac: Assassin III, Pulse, A.P.E., The Gate, Deadtime Stories
Reel News
(23:14) Bill Paxton died
(25:19) Benedict Cumberbatch wants Scott Derrickson back for Doctor Strange 2
(25:52) Patrick Stewart will not play Xavier after Logan
(29:12) Hellboy III will not happen
(31:39) Joe Carnahan’s Uncharted script sounds awesome
(32:12) Alicia Vikander looks good as Lara Croft
(34:21) Alien Prologue released
(36:45) Brad: DS9, A Cure for Wellness, Galaxyfest
(56:24) James: Stranger Things
(57:13) Brad: Doug Loves Movies
(1:03:00) James: Beware the Slenderman, American Crime Story: The People vs OJ Simpson, The Paperboy
(1:19:19) Brad: Hyperspace Arcade
(1:24:00) Get Out