One of the most frequent questions I am always asked being the host of the greatest movie podcast ever (opinions may vary) is “What’s your favorite movie?” That answer has been the same since I was 11 years old. But it also isn’t as easy to explain why I love some movies more than others.
As an art form, movies are by their nature interpretative. Some people will point to a film’s box office total as a barometer for a film’s quality, this might not be true again because although it might be popular to the masses it might not appeal to you. I am looking at you Avatar, which is not one of my favorite films, not by a longshot.
Also, if the film wins an Academy Award for Best Picture, that hardly means it’s one of my favorite films, looking at you The English Patient, in fact I hardly agree with the Academy. Having said that, I am sure that some people love Avatar and The English Patient. And that’s what makes movies so great.
I, also am not a professional critic. I love film. I try and find merit in all film. As a host of a podcast that attempts to give every movie a chance, I believe that is the best way to approach movies, let the lights go out and try and enjoy yourself. You might find a “diamond in the rough.”
When thinking of my favorite movies to share with you, my loyal listeners, I thought 100 wasn’t going to be enough. So, I am proud to present my 150 Favorite Films, right now. These will change, I know they will.
See you at the movies!
***Spoilers Ahead!***
139. BASEketball (1998) (Directed by David Zucker)

The Movie: Joe “Coop” Cooper (Trey Parker) and Doug “Swish” Remer (Matt Stone) are best friends and slackers. They’ve mostly been hanging out playing Nintendo since high school. One night they go to a party with classmates from high school, because the woman throwing it, Brittany (Cory Oliver) is a woman that Remer “really, really wants to fuck.”
After striking out with Brittany and finding solace shooting a basketball really well, as long as they don’t have to pass or dribble, they catch the attention of some class jocks. When the jocks ask what game they are playing Coop and Remer explain BASEketball something they made up on the spot. The jocks respond, “like horse?” Coop takes offense and says, “no not like fucking horse!”
BASEketball grows from there where the boys are now having tournaments with another friend Kenny “Squeak” Scolari (Dian Bachar). On the night of their neighborhood championship, Coop and Remer are offered to take BASEketball professional by Ted Denslow (Ernest Borgnine). Coop and Remer only agree to make BASEketball pro if teams can’t move and players can’t change teams.
Five years pass and Coop and Remer are now part of the Milwaukee Beers and they find themselves in the Denslow Cup Finals where Denslow dies after choking on a hotdog. After the game Coop meets Jenna Reed (Yasmine Bleeth) the director of the Dream Come True Foundation and Coop’s number one fan Joey (Trevor Einhorn). At Denslow’s will reading he gives the Beers to Coop, but they must win the championship or the team goes to his wife Yvette (Jenny McCarthy).
Not only do Coop and Remer have to win the Denslow Cup but they must also contend with the owner of the Dallas Felons, Baxter Cain (Robert Vaughn) who is trying to get cooperate sponsors, allow teams to move and allow players to change teams. Coop and Remer are against the changes but Baxter starts preying on Remer as he seems to be the one most likely to change.
Coop doesn’t tell Remer he rejected Baxter’s offer, which Remer is upset about. Coop decides to give part of the team to Remer as a compromise and all decisions will now be made as a team. After Baxter cuts funding to Jenna’s organization, he blackmails Coop and Remer into signing a deal for a clothing line. Coop is against it, but Remer now part owner says they should and signs the deal and becomes A-list.
Coop learns that the Beers clothing line is being made in a factory on the backs of child labor in the country of Calcutta. Baxter tells the Beers that if they don’t purposely lose the Denslow Cup he will inform the public and Jenna’s foundation will be ruined.
Coop and Remer get into a fight, which leads to Coop leaving. Remer and the other Beers are left behind to throw the championship game.
Coop makes his way to Calcutta where he observes the child labor first hand and declares, “oh that’s not good!”
After fixing Remer’s mess in Calcutta Coop returns in time to try and win the Denslow Cup. The Beers do, and Coop, Remer and Lil’ Bitch, eh I mean Squeak are champions of BASEketball!

Why I Love BASEketball: Another film I quote endlessly with my friends, BASEketball holds a special place in my heart. To this day my friends and I will still quote this movie, “ Of course we graduated, Cock, beer?” Or “We still have no clue where the fuck this guy is.” Or one of my most favorite exchanges in any comedy;
Remer: Your bed is over here.
Squeak: Dude, that is so fucking weak! How am I supposed to get a chick in that?
Coop: Oh, don’t worry dude. You couldn’t get a chick if you had a hundred dollar bill hanging out of your zipper.
Squeak: Yeah I could!
Remer: No. Dude, you’re a little bitch.
Squeak: I am not! I don’t even know why I hang out with you guys, anyway.
Coop: ‘Cause you’re a piece of shit.
Squeak: I am not a piece of shit.
Remer: Yeah, but you’re a little bitch.
Squeak: Goddammit! I swear if you guys rip on me thirteen or fourteen more times…I’m outta here!
It’s a silly movie, dumb but funny. I can watch BASEketball 100 times and not get bored and still laugh. BASEketball is everything I love about film, being with my friends, quoting movies and us all having a laugh.