One of the most frequent questions I am always asked being the host of the greatest movie podcast ever (opinions may vary) is “What’s your favorite movie?” That answer has been the same since I was 11 years old. But it also isn’t as easy to explain why I love some movies more than others.
As an art form, movies are by their nature interpretative. Some people will point to a film’s box office total as a barometer for a film’s quality, this might not be true again because although it might be popular to the masses it might not appeal to you. I am looking at you Avatar, which is not one of my favorite films, not by a longshot.
Also, if the film wins an Academy Award for Best Picture, that hardly means it’s one of my favorite films, looking at you The English Patient, in fact I hardly agree with the Academy. Having said that, I am sure that some people love Avatar and The English Patient. And that’s what makes movies so great.
I, also am not a professional critic. I love film. I try and find merit in all film. As a host of a podcast that attempts to give every movie a chance, I believe that is the best way to approach movies, let the lights go out and try and enjoy yourself. You might find a “diamond in the rough.”
When thinking of my favorite movies to share with you, my loyal listeners, I thought 100 wasn’t going to be enough. So, I am proud to present my 150 Favorite Films, right now. These will change, I know they will.
See you at the movies!
***Spoilers Ahead!!!***
82. Scott Pilgrim vs The World (2010) Directed by Edgar Wright

The Movie: Toronto, Canada. The epic indie band, Sex Bob-Omb is rehearsing. Scott Pilgrim (Michael Cera) is their bassist. He has a 17 years-old girlfriend, Knives Chau (Ellen Wong), who is still in high school and their biggest fan.
People disapprove of his relationship with Knives, most notably his roommate Wallace (Kieran Culkin) and his sister Stacey (Anna Kendrick). One night Scott dreams about Ramona Flowers (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), who happens to be very real. When Scott meets Ramona at a party he learns she is an Amazon delivery person. Scott orders something random from Amazon to have it delivered. When Ramona delivers his package he asks her to come see his band at a Battle of the Bands.
At the concert, Scott is attacked by Matthew Patel (Satya Bhabha). Scott and Matthew fight, and after Scott wins, he learns that in order to date Ramona he must first defeat her remaining six evil exes. Scott first, finally does the right thing and breaks up with Knives, who blames Ramona and devastated, she vows revenge and wants to win him back.
Scott learns that Ramona’s next evil ex is douchey Hollywood actor and totally radical skateboarder, Lucas Lee (Chris Evans). Scott tricks Lee into defeating himself by using his own ego against him. We also learn that Scott’s ex Envy Adams (Brie Larson) is coming to town with her band, which includes Ramona’s ex, a super human vegan Todd Ingram (Brandon Routh). Scott beats him after Todd loses his super strength after it is discovered that he really isn’t vegan.
After a fight with Ramona’s next ex, Roxy Richter (Mae Whitman) Scott confronts Ramona about her past. Ramona hurt by what Scott said, breaks up with him.
Scott and Sex Bob-Omb go to the next Battle of the Bands where Scott fights Ramona’s twin exes, Kyle (Keita Saito) and Ken (Shota Saito) Katayanagi. In an epic battle, Scott wins and earns an extra life. But it might be too late, it appears that Ramona is back with her most evil ex, record executive Gideon Graves (Jason Schwartzman), who offers Sex Bob-Omb a contract for winning Battle of the Bands. Sex Bob-Omb accepts, Scott does not and quits the band. The role of bassist is now taken by the bands roadie, Young Neil (Johnny Simmons).
Gideon invites Scott to his Chaos Theater where he and Ramona will be. Sex Bob-Omb will be there playing as well. Scott accepts and decides he will fight Gideon for Ramona’s hand. After challenging Gideon, Scott earns the “Power of Love” sword and attacks Gideon. Their fight is interrupted by Knives, who attacks Ramona. Scott tells Knives to stop, as he cheated not only on her but Ramona as well. Gideon takes this opportunity to kill Scott, who is sent into limbo.
In limbo, Ramona tells Scott that she is not back with Gideon and is fact being controlled by an implant. Scott remembers he as an extra life and uses it to come back to life and go after Gideon again. He gains a new sword, the “Power of Self-Respect”. Scott apologizes to the two women he hurt, accepting that he has made mistakes and teams up with Knives to defeat Gideon.
After Gideon’s defeat, Ramona leaves. She is confronted by Knives who tells her that she is longer with Scott and maybe Ramona and Scott should ‘try again”.

Why I Love Scott Pilgrim vs The World (2010): From the first innovative shot, I was hooked. I did not need to sold too much as the film was written and directed by one of the best Edgar Wright. The way Wright uses music has always been one of his most clever trademarks as a filmmaker. What also makes Scott Pilgrim a winner is a clear understanding of the source material and the world the characters inhabit.
Casting is also on point. Michael Cera is wonderful as Scott. But Scott is an asshole, so there is a fine balance that the actor must take. Cera does this. We hate him one minute and the next we hope he defeats the arrogant Hollywood actor. In less capable hands, we would just hate him. Mary Elizabeth Winstead knocks it out of the park as Ramona. A powerful woman, who is easy to root for.
The editing in the film is second to none. From kinetic fights that feel straight out of your favorite video games, to the quick cuts and camera pans, everything on screen has a purpose. The jokes are funny, the images are beautiful and funny this movie just hums.
Go for the fights, stay for the heart warming story.