Author: Brad

His earliest memory of nerdiness is discovering the Star Trek motion pictures when his parents (presumably) accidentally rented the first one on laser disc. He attended his first convention at the age of 12 and has been to many Star Trek conventions since, as well as SDCC, NYCC, and E3 twice. He’s also an avid TMNT fan who has each of the first four issues of the original comic book signed by Eastman AND Laird. Brad also favors Batman and loves Nintendo so much he still plays his Virtual Boy from time-to-time. When he’s not immersed in nerd media, he’s out competing at bar trivia or working on several creative projects like podcasting, producing short films, publishing books, and drawing cartoons. His favorite film of all-time is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie and with over 600 DVD’s and blu-rays in his collection, Brad is surely a Reel Nerd.

Eks Axis: Whitmore

Eks Axis: Whitmore

Brad’s Top Ten (and more!) of 2012

I feel like I enjoyed movies in 2012 more than last. But I was surprised that I enjoyed blockbuster popcorn fare more than my niche indie flicks. I don’t know, maybe I just didn’t see the right ones. Most of the ones I did see I enjoyed, but not enough to include most of them in my top ten. Instead, mainstream ruled my list. So hats off to the studios for stepping up their game.

Like last year, I’m providing brief thoughts about each film. There are just too many films to work through and, honestly you wouldn’t get through reading paragraphs about them all anyway. My more in depth opinions can be found on the podcast. I’ve included trailers for some of the more obscure films so that there’s a little better frame of reference. So without further adieu…


Total theater viewings: 93

Total repeat viewings: 14

Total different movies watched at the theater: 79

Total new release movies: 67

Total re-release movies: 12

Estimated money spent: $976.50 (@avg $10.50 per ticket)

2012 New Releases

Raiders of the Lost Ark (IMAX)

It’s Raiders of the Lost Ark. What else can I say about it? Didn’t feel like the IMAX format improved the film quality though.

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Would have been better as one film, as the setup takes too long. We know Bilbo is going to agree to the journey… move along. But the second half engaged me. I’m in for the next one.

Hyde Park on Hudson

There’s a hand job in the first 10 minutes. And then the movie alternates between period piece and FDR’s cousin acting bummed out because she wasn’t invited to spend time with the President.


Qwirky and off-beat, and Olivia Wilde steals the show in this fun story about competitive butter sculpting.

Killing Them Softly

Great when it’s shocking, boring the rest of the time.


Not the biopic I expected. But that’s probably good. We get to know Lincoln through the string of events involving the creation of the 13th amendment. I appreciated how familiar events were depicted in unexpected ways. And of course, Day-Lewis’ performance is transcendent.

Wreck-It Ralph

Tons of fun and has real emotional weight to it. Visually astounding with a creative story.


Well acted, but Washington’s character is so unlikeable I didn’t care what happened to him at the end.


Got to see this as a sneak preview. The individual stories are hit or miss, but the last one alone is worth a watch.

Cloud Atlas

Probably the most epic movie I’ve ever seen, and by the end I was into it, but there’s a lot to follow all at once and the super future dialog is corny.


Pretty good dramatization of a real-life event. Enjoyed the retro Warner Bros. logo and the seventies-filter.

Taken 2

If you just wanna see Liam Neeson escape from some shallow villains, this is your movie.


Wonderfully animated, beautiful visuals, and a touching story make this a recommended watch.


Pleasantly surprised this was as good as it was. Creative and action-packed but marred by some awful dialog and a couple bad visual effects.

Sleepwalk With Me

Mike Birbiglia’s biopic comedy is worth a watch. Funny and insightful.

Resident Evil: Retribution

After watching this, it’s obvious they don’t know what else to do with this franchise except make another in 3D.


Uncomfortable and so absurd at times, it’s hard to believe the story actually happened. Convincing actors really sell it.


Has entertaining moments and is well acted, but never really distinguishes itself as something special.


Raunchy foreign comedy. Pushes the envelope for gross-out humor.

Premium Rush

Silly. Combines itself with a 3D GPS map to look cooler than it is. Characters are mostly charicatures.

Total Recall

Better than I expected, but achieves less than the original. It’s stylish and grandiose without going to Mars.

The Expendables 2

Lots of fun! Glad they embraced the absurd aspects of 80’s action movies. Everything I hoped the first was going to be.

Ruby Sparks

Cute, but you hate the main character so much by the end you want to distance yourself from the movie.

The Bourne Legacy

Has the action set-pieces you’d expect but the abrupt, kinda unresolved ending leaves you unsatisfied.

The Watch

I actually liked this one. Has really funny scenes.


Really funny. Pretty much live-action Family Guy.

The Amazing Spider-Man

If the Sam Raimi movies didn’t exist, I might have liked this more. In his movies you feel like someone wanted to make the best Spider-Man movie possible. Here, you feel like they just made another Spider-Man movie, by the book.

A Cat in Paris

Pretty visuals and animation, but the story didn’t capture my attention.

Seeking a Friend for the End of the World

A good movie, has funny moments, but I didn’t buy the characters falling in love and it’s just too depressing by the end.


Another beautiful and creative Pixar endeavor, but it still felt incomplete or didn’t quite achieve it’s full potential.

Safety Not Guaranteed

Enjoyed the grounded, mysterious beginning and middle, was a bit surprised by how they ended it. Still conflicted about the conclusion this many months later, but worth a watch.

That’s My Boy

I actually thought this was funny too. Crude and outrageous.

Rock of Ages

Like I said on the show, cheesy as fuck.

Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan’s Hope

A great way to see inside the phenomenon of Comic-Con. Holds a special place because of the doors it opened for us this year.


Beautiful and well-crafted by a master, but doesn’t stray from the Alien formula. We still get scientists who make stupid decisions and I would have appreciated it if we got at least a few answers before the movie was over.

The Dictator

Funny at the time. But I’ll probably never see it again.

Snow White and the Huntsman

Visually spectacular, but the half-hearted heroine dragged the movie down.

Men In Black 3

I was excited they were giving this franchise another shot, but again, they don’t seem to know what else to do with it except embrace Will Smith’s improvising. Josh Brolin’s Tommy Lee Jones impersonation is fun to watch and the emotional climax makes up for the uninspired plot.

Dark Shadows

Stylish like most Tim Burton fare, and devoid of a story you could care about. Two hours of tame humor and a witch crying about not getting the guy she wants. And surprise, let’s throw in a daughter who’s a werewolf cuz whatever, why not?

The Pirates!

Not the movie they marketed. Did you know most of the plot revolves around Charles Darwin?

The Five-Year Engagement

A romantic comedy I could actually get behind.


Brutal hockey flick with lots of heart. Could have been one of my top-ten.

The Cabin in the Woods

This movie won me over with the unicorn impailment death.

American Reunion

Yet another Pie movie that’s funny at the moment.

Wrath of the Titans

That complex maze wasn’t very difficult was it? The only thing I liked was the lava monster.

The Hunger Games

So much of this is arbitrary I was bored. I mean, if the arena can generate killer dogs, why not more food? Oh yeah, it’s also Battle Royale for pussies.

Casa de mi Padre

Sometimes ridiculous doesn’t translate into funny for me I guess. Pretty much a one-note joke.

Jeff Who Lives at Home

A sweet little story about discovering where you fit into the world.

The Innkeepers

Sorta like Clerks if Dante and Randal ran a haunted hotel.

John Carter

I understand that this is the inspiration for the stuff we love like Star Wars, but that doesn’t mean it’s any good. I was pretty bored and didn’t care about anything going on.

Tim and Eric’s Billion Dollar Movie

This movie is pretty stupid, but that’s okay because it’s supposed to be. It’s so ridiculous it makes me laugh and laugh and laugh.

The Lorax

Aside from a certain song in the third act, this was pretty enjoyable. I think Dr. Seuss movies would be better if they stopped trying to pad them with shit Dr. Seuss didn’t create.


It was funny in the way you’d expect it.

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

The trailer got me excited to see this. The movie I ended up seeing was terrible. I’m not even sure how to describe how bizarre some of the moments in this movie are. One point finds Ghost Rider spinning on his back in mid-air for no reason, like a Looney Tunes gag. I’d say you’d have to see it to believe it, but I don’t encourage seeing it.

Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace 3D

This is actually my favorite of the prequels, so seeing it in 3D was a must. Unfortunately, the 3D wasn’t the best.

The Theatre Bizarre

The first of two horror anthologies I watched this year. This one felt more like a collection of student films.


The premise was going to be done eventually, found-footage superheroes, and this was an okay execution of it. They are just too many moments where a camera if forced into a scene where it doesn’t belong just to get the shots they want.


This was pretty boring and you could tell her voice was dubbed.

My Week With Marilyn

The first movie I saw this year. My memory is pretty hazy but I think it was a decent film. Wasn’t as invested in it as the other guys. Marilyn Monroe has never really captured my imagination.

Midnight Madness

Miami Connection

I looked forward to this for months only to discover it was cheesy but not funny cheesy. I even fell asleep through part of it.

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

I don’t need to explain how good this is, so I’m not. It was cool to introduce Ryan to it in a theater.

Super Mario Bros.

I never would have imagined I’d get to see this in a theater again. Yeah, it’s barely a Super Mario Bros movie, but I think they did the best with what they could at the time. I really don’t think a faithful Super Mario Bros. adaptation would ever work in the real world anyway.


The Evil Dead

Yeah, it’s the fucking Evil Dead. Nuff’ said.

Back to the Future

I couldn’t pass up another chance to watch one of my all-time favorite films on the big screen.

Back to the Future Part II

This comes back to theaters so rarely, how could I pass it up?

The Royal Tenenbaums

Well, I like Wes Anderson movies, so what do you expect?

Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

Delighted this came back to theaters because I don’t remember if I saw it during it’s original release. Even today I marvel at the live action/animation compositing and it’s even more impressive because it was done just before CGI took off. Amazing.


Dead or alive, I was going to see this movie in a theater for the first time.


This one I’d seen in theaters before. Still a classic. Moving on.

Pulp Fiction

Even though I’d seen this plenty of times at home, something about the theater experience made it a fresh watch as I found new things to enjoy in it and lamented that it couldn’t continue after the end.


The Top Ten

10. Seven Psychopaths

Fresh and different, this film is fun and surprising.

9. Looper

Inventive and challenging, Looper is an impressive and meticulous time-travel adventure.

8. 21 Jump Street

Still makes me laugh everytime I watch it. Funniest film of the year and the first one this year I really enjoyed.

7. Skyfall

Exciting and haunting, Skyfall feels like a classic Bond film and Bardem’s revenge obsessed villain always has your attention.

6. Django Unchained

Saying this movie is totally badass says it all.

5. Robot & Frank

Kleptomaniac Frank recruits a robot accomplice and we slowly discover more about Frank than I expected.

4. Father’s Day

A terrible film, but that’s the fun of it. Funny and shocking, this one pushes the envelope as far as it can.

3. The Avengers

This exceeded my expectations. I didn’t believe a movie like this could work, but it did. It was lots of fun.

2. Moonrise Kingdom

I love Wes Anderson’s whimsical world and characters and again he transports me back into it with this sweet little film.

1. The Dark Knight Rises

For me, The Dark Knight Rises is a satisfying conclusion to the story Nolan and company set out to tell. I was worried a film that looked this epic could work in Batman’s world. There’s plenty of fan service and I’m impressed with how much of the comics they managed to revise and incorporate into the film. The initial Bane showdown is awesome! The score is relentless! Yeah, there are plot-holes and unresolved issues but I’m too engrossed by the film to notice until much later. Almost three hours go by and I feel like a 5 hour story was told in only one. And they made Bane a formidable big-screen villain. This movie is all win to me.

Well, that’s it for 2012. Feel free to submit your thoughts, opinions, questions as always.

– Brad

Filmsplosion 2012 Poster

Tune in for our year-in-review show, December 28th!

Lazy Poster Design

Lazy graphic design. All these posters use the same font. Agency. And they’re right next to each other. – Brad

“Don’t Be A Pussy” Trailer

Brad produced this for Denver’s 2012 48 Hour Film Project. Come out and see it if you can. We don’t just review movies, we try to make them too.

Brad’s “The Dark Knight Rises” Plot Hypothesis

Better late than never, right? I said I was going to post my hypothesis of what “The Dark Knight Rises” would turn out to be and, a mere hours away from the premiere, I finally got a chance to write up what I assume will be the plot of this final Nolan-universe Batman film. It’s completely unnecessary at this point but… dammit! I said I was going to do this on the show and I’m going to follow through with the goals that I set! So let’s find out how well this Batman fan knows how to judge a couple trailers! And if (when) I get it wrong, people can write/call the show and make me feel like an idiot about it, regret posting this, and convince me to burn my Batman comics because I don’t deserve them. Here we go…

Shortly after the Joker terrorizes Gotham, the GCPD still hunts for Batman. Batman keeps a low profile as he continues to protect the city… until The League of Shadows returns! This time they’ve employed brains and brawn in the form of Bane. Bane storms Gotham in “Knightfall” fashion by orchestrating a prison break that draws Batman out of hiding when Gordon is seriously injured during the mayhem. When Batman tries to confront Bane, he gets bent in half and left for dead (not paralyzed, just seriously injured).

With Batman out of the way, Bane turns Gotham into a “No Man’s Land” by demolishing anything and everything related to Gotham’s wealthy elite, revealing Wayne Enterprises as supplying terrorists, instigating class-warfare and calling upon the have-nots to RISE up against the 1%, and exposing the GCPD cover-up of Harvey Dent’s rampage. Then it’s up to brave citizens and a few GCPD officers (John Blake) to restore order to Gotham until Batman returns. They do this under the mantle of The Bat, combating the criminals and terrorists that have laid siege to the city on a smaller scale. Once Batman is healed, he brings out the “big guns” in the form of his new vehicle, The Bat.

But during this process, he discovers Wayne Enterprises board member, Miranda Tate is Talia Al Ghul and she’s been using her position at the company to secretly fund the League of Shadows with money and weapons. From there on out it’s all out war between the heroes and villains of Gotham, which includes Catwoman, who Batman has convinced to become a reluctant ally. Batman eventually figures out how to dispatch Bane (probably by destroying the apparatus that’s keeping him alive) but dies while fighting Ra’s Al Ghul, who is shockingly revealed at the end of the film, then reminding Bruce of the League of Shadows’ plans to burn Gotham to the ground (this time through fear AND economics!) But it’s the legend of The Batman that prevails as citizens RISE to defeat Ra’s in some way that I still haven’t figured out.

Okay, so, it’s not the most coherent summary you’ve ever read for a movie, but I’ve only got pieces of trailers to work with here! Let the trolling commence…

The Dark Knight Rises comes to theaters in 11 hours and counting…

The Nerd Avengers

Reel Nerds @ Avengers Premiere

Brad’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze Commentary

As an avid TMNT fan, I’ve been wanting to record a series of TMNT commentary tracks for the movies for a while but haven’t been able to get a quiet space to do it in. So instead, I decided I could write down my comments to read while following the movie. Hopefully I have some interesting or insightful comments to make, but I’ll let the reader decide. I still plan to do the audio version, but for now this will do. If you plan to follow along, know that I’m watching the Blu-ray version with subtitles on. Now press play!

00.00.00: Right away, the tone of this film is different from the first. Where as the former began with an ominous news report about the state of crime in the city from April, every one here is eating a pizza, presumably because without the Shredder, things are safer in New York. Safe enough to eat a pizza anywhere.

00.01.06: Michael Pressman is the director, replacing Steve Barron who’s also famous for Michael Jackson’s “Billy Jean” video. I imagine the studio wanted a movie that reflected the light-heartedness of the cartoon rather than the gritty tone of the original comics that Barron faithfully captured.

00.01.24: Thanks to HD, I can read what street Roy’s Pizza is on. I just want to note that for my next visit to NYC to see what’s really there. Avenue of the Americas and 6th.

00.01.49: For the longest time I couldn’t understand the first part of Keno’s line. Thanks to subtitles, I now know it’s: “Are you kidding me? Again?”

00.02.09: Damn Keno, that was a bit harsh. Sure, it was a bitchy way for her to turn you down… but come on, she’s not fat at all.

00.02.12: Spring St is the location of April’s new apartment. Supposedly across the street from a subterranean mini-mall?

00.03.01: Why wear the stocking masks if you’re just gonna reveal your identities to people?

00.03.11: Did you see how carefully that thug set aside those pizzas? Like he’s going to enjoy them later or something…

00.03.41: I’m glad they retained this logo for the sequel, but as stealthy ninjas, aren’t the Turtles supposed to bust out the lights in the room before attacking?

00.03.57: Right away you’ll notice Leonardo’s eyes are larger. All the turtles have this in order to reflect the cartoon style. You could barely see Raphael’s in the original. In any character design, larger eyes more easily draw you into the character. I’m sure there was still some debate as to whether or not mutant turtles could be sold to kids even after the first made so much money at the box-office. “Make the eyes bigger and even more kids will like it!”

00.04.11: The “make a funny comment after each guy you beat up” thing isn’t an aspect of the movies I like. I know it’s there to offset the violence for the younger audience, but c’mon, dial it back. One pun per scene please.

00.04.38: Glad they got John Du Prez back to do the music in this one. I think his scores for the two films are perfectly tailored to these films.

00.04.42: Donatello says “Rawhide. Robocop.”?

00.05.03: Is that a Triceraton behind Michelangelo!? No. No. Just a plush Triceratops.

00.05.24: There’s Domino Rally! I used to have Domino Rally!

00.06.07: The script is credited solely to Todd W. Langen on this film. I wonder why Bobby Herbeck wasn’t a part of this one?

00.08.23: I forget where, but I read something about Paige Turco replacing Judith Hoag in this movie because the studio wanted someone prettier. I hope that’s not true. I like to think they wanted an actress who looked more like the cartoon April. Judith Hoag looked great as the comics April though.

00.08.31: The other woman in this scene is comedian Susie Essman. I wonder if she includes this movie on her resume?

00.08.32: The man is Michelan Sisti, who also performs as Michelangelo. He also played the pizza delivery guy in the first movie. You could actually think of him as being the same character in both movies.

00.09.40: A lot of people know this already but I mention it anyway; Corey Feldman didn’t voice Donatello for this movie because he was in rehab. But, did you know Raphael’s voice was also replaced in the sequel. Josh Pais was replaced by Laurie Faso, which I presume was because he was doing more and more work in front of the camera judging from his prolific IMDB page.

00.10.22: I find it hard to believe, that in the context of their lives, that’s the first time Donatello has had to hear Mikey make that joke about “Ninja Pizza” and needs to him to clarify the comment.

00.11.29: The movie is reminding us how Shredder was defeated, for those who didn’t see the first movie. Remember this for later.

00.11.32: I think Splinter’s face looks more like a cat in this movie. Why couldn’t they get the same costumes from the first one? He’s puppet-ed by Kevin Clash, who’s made millions of children happy being Elmo on Sesame Street.

00.11.43: (as Splinter) Which begs the question: So why the fuck are the windows behind me wide open!?

00.11.59: Some visual subtext: There’s a painting of a pizza on the wall behind April.

00.12.37: I almost always reference that napkins gag while eating in public.

00.13.42: HD also makes the painted backdrop of the landfill more obvious. It’s probably the same one used in the climax.

00.13.50: How long has Shredder been buried in this landfill??? Was he in a coma? Because enough time has passed where April was able to rent/buy a new condo, move into it, AND acquire new possessions to fill it with to replace all the stuff she lost in the fire. The trading cards mentioned it was a year later, but that may have been in reference to the film’s release itself.

00.14.28: I find the hand reaching out a bit corny. If you were buried in anything, would you first poke your hand out and grasp at nothing?

00.14.54: Tatsu and The Shredder’s voices are also dubbed. By returning actors David McCharen and Michael McConnohie.

00.15.18: Is that Ryan Reynolds in the middle? No. Probably not.

00.15.49: The Shredder’s saw blade helmet design was pretty cool. I always wished they’d made an action figure version of it.

00.16.09: David Warner doesn’t get enough nerd cred. He’s been in Tron, Star Trek 5 & 6, and this movie. He’s so British you’d think this would be beneath him. I used to complain that Gordon Perry should have been Baxter Stockman but after reading the original comics, going this way makes more sense if you’re not going to include mousers or a mutant fly in your movie. I suppose they couldn’t have a mutant fly because of “The Fly”.

00.16.15: TGRI? Why not TCRI like in the comics? My guess is that the C stood for Cosmic and since the filmmakers were keeping the series more grounded in reality, they changed it to Global… as if the kids would make that connection.

00.16.53: Nice throw Leonardo! Without even looking!

00.21.46: There’s that backdrop again. As you’ll see, most of this movie is filmed on a soundstage, which explains how it was quickly released just a year after the first.

00.23.04: The ooze dispenser with the iron pyrite chunk in the middle looks like something out of Power Rangers.

00.23.15: So, even though this movie is about the secret of the ooze, Perry never does explain what they engineered the ooze for in the first place. All we find out is that his lab made it and lost a canister. Info the Turtles already knew.

00.23.51: The TGRI rooftop may be doubling for April’s rooftop.

00.25.52: Why did the Foot stick around for the Turtles to show up? Wouldn’t you run that canister back to Shredder as soon as possible instead of giving the turtles a chance to take it back?

00.26.01: Tatsu’s grip was pretty light on that canister. Also, his reaction time is pretty slow. Must be because of the blow to the head Casey Jones gave him.

00.26.59: The Huddle. Logically, this is the part where you either overwhelm your opponent with all your guys at once, or, now that you have the canister back in your possesion, you get the hell out of there. Instead we’ll give them some time to beat us.

00.27.38: Tatsu finally figures out his plan after standing around doing nothing this whole time.

00.29.27: Keno’s reference to apartment 313 suggests April lives on the third floor of that building on Spring St.

00.37.07: The news manager, Phil, here is played by the director, Michael Pressman. I guess Charles doesn’t work there anymore.

00.37.38: The guy taking the call for April is played by Mark Caso, who performs as Leonardo under the costume.

00.40.08: Tokka and Rahzar are voiced by voice-over legend Frank Welker. You’ve probably heard him any cartoon featuring an animal.

00.42.33: The Foot Clan meets with recruits on John Street, under the bridge just across the river from Manhattan.

00.44.10: The subtitle just referred to the ninja uniform as a “doggy”.

00.46.48: Great shot of the World Trade Center.

00.46.53: Shouldn’t the there be a loading dock across the street from April’s apartment as Keno runs by?

00.48.14: A little too Raph! My friends and I also still make that joke when anything’s a little too anything.

00.49.17: I’m imagining the scene we didn’t see where Shredder explains to everybody: (as Shredder) Okay, we’re going to lay a net out in front of the turtle we captured. When the other walk into it, it snatches them up and then we’ll drop them onto a bed of spikes! Mwhaha! (as Thug) Why not just shoot them with a gun while they’re hanging in the net? Do we even need the spires? (as Shredder) I WANT THE SPIKES!!! It’s cooler and more menacing! A gun would be too easy! (as Thug) But won’t their shells protect them?

00.49.38: Hey kids! Do you know who Ralph Nader is?

00.50.09: Nice to Splinter in on the action for once.

00.51.32: The subtitle just displayed Mikey as saying “Gross” as Tokka and Rahzar are revealed. Never caught that before. Hahaha.

00.56.03: Okay, I was wrong. They do explain that the ooze came from some discarded chemicals that were explosed to radiation.

00.58.00: This is where Splinter reinforces the idea that there is more to the ooze story.

01.00.07: I think this is a Hollywood backlot and not a real New York neighborhood.

01.03.47: LOL! Still cracks me up.

01.05.22: Simply donuts! Nothing else at all… just donuts guys.

01.08.09: Great idea with the cubes Donny!

01.09.06: And there it is. Everyone’s favorite memory from this movie. The appearance of Vanilla Ice.

01.10.09: (as Vanilla Ice) Ooo… I feel a hit single coming on.

01.10.39: How does Vanilla Ice get “ninja” from anyone in the room right now?

01.31.18: That’s because you may have suffocated them by spraying CO2 into their lungs Mikey. They might actually be dead.

01.13.45: The choreography in this scene is pretty cool.

01.14.02: The subtitles just informed me this move is called the Wishbone Crunch. I always wondered what he was saying.

01.14.10: Poor Tatsu. He goes out like a bitch again.

01.15.11: I don’t like the staging of this scene now. It’s lazy as it plays out like you’re watching a high school play.

01.15.46: And now Keno does his part as a plot device to get the ooze back into Perry’s hands.

01.15.47: (as Shredder) Okay… Give him plenty of time to run up here and surprise me even though I’m a master martial artist.

01.16.20: And the Shredder gets thrown off his game again by Keno’s bumbling around.

01.16.37: I wonder how the actor playing Shredder feels about not getting to show off his martial arts skills as he did in the last one?

01.16.40: The damsel in distress is spastically changing her attention in this scene.

01.16.51: By the way club people, there’s still a blood thirsty wolf running around in here.

01.17.27: Oh! The hand from the landfill was foreshadowing this shot!

01.17.32: Even though the Super Shredder costume doesn’t make any sense, it’s still BADASS.

01.17.33: Okay, so if the metal in Shredder’s armor can mutate with him, why doesn’t the metal in the canisters mutate too?

01.17.44: Super Shredder is played by wrestling star Kevin Nash, who I discovered via IMDb, shares my birthday plus 23 years.

01.18.23: Your clothes can mutate to give you painted on muscles too.

01.21.02: That newspaper was printed awfully fast! And when did they pose for that photo?

01.21.19: And that does it for Ninja Turtles 2. I know it probably doesn’t sound like it, but I do have fun watching this movie. Watching it takes me back to the best parts of my youth. I hope reading this was at least informative, if not funny. Thanks for watching with me! See you at the next one! And GO NINJA! GO NINJA! GO!!!

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