Having recently watched Hellrasier: Bloodlines, a movie that takes a movie maniac and puts him in space, I was reminded of a movie that I think is overlooked by the horror movie crowd and written off by Friday the 13th fans, Jason X. Going into space can be bad news...
What an amazing year for The Reel Nerds. We really hit our stride as a podcast and we were given amazing opportunities, from Denver Comic-Con, to Telluride Horror Show, we met some really amazing people and saw some really amazing movies. I saw 75 new movies this...
So this is what 50 years of stories has come to. In a surprising move Marvel decided to end The Amazing Spider-Man with issue 700, what was puzzling at the time is Spider-Man is Marvel’s most popular hero. But with comics you need a way to bring in new readers...
Amazing Spider-Man ends (sniff) it’s wonderful run this month on December 26th with issue 700. The greatest Spidey stories are told within it’s pages because it’s the flagship title in the Spider-Man universe. When Spider-Man continued to grow in...
Yes it’s true, Brad is the biggest fan of The Dark Knight. However, I do think that his early 90’s cartoon is the best superhero cartoon ever. I remember being little and loving this show. When it was released on DVD I rushed out to get it. But then I...