1st Annual Nerdy Awards

1st Annual Nerdy Awards

Here’s a list of the awards Ryan and Brad handed out in the latest episode, Ep. 90: Jack the Giant Snoozer, for the 1st Annual Nerdy Awards.   Character That Made Ryan Suspend the Most Disbelief Brooke Hogan as a scientist in Sand Sharks Most Surprising...
Brad’s Favorite Elements of Star Trek: First Contact

Brad’s Favorite Elements of Star Trek: First Contact

For some reason, I watched A LOT of Star Trek lately and A LOT of “First Contact” today. First the film, then the film with commentary, then the film with another commentary, the featurettes… and so forth. I should know everything about this film by...
Ryan’s Oscar Picks!

Ryan’s Oscar Picks!

Brad and James are not fans of the Academy Awards. I like them, and yes I too get disappointed with some of the movies that make the cut, however I think this year is a very strong year for movies which will make it a very entertaining award show.  So here are my...
Evil Gets An Upgrade: Ryan goes back to the Future with Jason X

Evil Gets An Upgrade: Ryan goes back to the Future with Jason X

Having recently watched Hellrasier: Bloodlines, a movie that takes a movie maniac and puts him in space, I was reminded of a movie that I think is overlooked by the horror movie crowd and written off by Friday the 13th fans, Jason X. Going into space can be bad news...
SH*T SH*W REV*EW: Sand Sharks

SH*T SH*W REV*EW: Sand Sharks

This whole idea to review movies like these began with our DVD Releases segment on the podcast. Each week when I went through what was coming out that next Tuesday I always scrolled to the bottom to see what things nobody cared about, and what I noticed what just how...
SH*T SH*W REV*EW: Pinata: Survival Island

SH*T SH*W REV*EW: Pinata: Survival Island

When I decided to start writing these reviews of the film world’s version of ‘shovel-wear’, starting with Two-Headed Shark Attack a few weeks ago, the first film I put on my ever-expanding list of potentials was Piňata: Survival Island. I’ve seen Piňata about half a...