People still really like those Madea movies as Boo! way over-performed, giving a couple teams some of their highest grosses ever! It’s surprising that, of all our teams, Tyler Perry’s A Madea Cineplex didn’t go all in on it. The Perfect Cinema this week was 4x Boo! 3x Storks and 1x Sully. Those damn Storks. They under-perform when you play them and over-perform when you don’t. And thus, no teams achieved the PC. But three came close, as Radley Cinemas and Jason’s Farthouse Cineplex both picked the same winning lineup. However, apparently, Jason’s Farthouse Cineplex claimed the official win because he locked in his lineup sooner. Which is fine. He can claim the title of the one so cocksure Boo! would be a hit while I fiddled with overloading Ouija or The Accountant but acquiescing to Boo! until the very last minute.
Next week will be tough. There are a lot of holdovers in the same value range and who knows what audience Inferno still has after all these years. Choose wisely.