You’ll Never Find Me (2023) Review: Telluride Horror Show 14

You’ll Never Find Me (2023) Review: Telluride Horror Show 14

It’s October in Colorado, which means the coolest film festival takes place in the beautiful town of Telluride. The Telluride Horror Show is a favorite of mine (and my wife and the fellow Nerds). We podcasted from there twice a long time ago. And while we haven’t...
Movie Madness 2023: Selection Sunday Announcement

Movie Madness 2023: Selection Sunday Announcement

It’s hard to believe this will be our fourth Movie Madness tournament. Didn’t we just start this thing, like, yesterday? In case you missed it, in 2020, because the post-season college basketball tournaments were canceled, I thought, “What better way to...
Ryan’s 150 Favorite Films: Number 126, Penny Serenade (1941)

Ryan’s 150 Favorite Films: Number 126, Penny Serenade (1941)

One of the most frequent questions I am always asked being the host of the greatest movie podcast ever (opinions may vary) is “What’s your favorite movie?” That answer has been the same since I was 11 years old. But it also isn’t as easy to explain why I love some...
Show Time: A Statistical Recap of Filmsplosion 2022

Show Time: A Statistical Recap of Filmsplosion 2022

Well, it’s been several weeks since Filmsplosion 2022 came out. Have you finished listening to it yet? If not, don’t read the rest of this post, as we’ll be looking at all the Nerds’ Top 10 lists. So, in putting this together, I basically...